The city council’s legal department continues to excel.
Now under the bizarre management of congenital idiot and secrecy obsessive Sanjay “UNDER” Prashar, who learned his public law in er, Torquay, they’re once again, embroiled in an expensive Judicial Review farce.
This time around Prashar is trying to justify a DEFECTIVE TENDER PROCESS run by the city council. This resulted in local domestic violence organisation NEXT LINK losing their contract to a national organisation based in London with no presence in Bristol whatsoever.
Next Link immediately went to the High Court with their concerns over Prashar’s dodgy tender process and got a ‘stay’, which meant they could carry on delivering their service until the legal case was resolved.
A potentially costly matter for the council, a team of lawyers immediately legged it up to London to the High Court at great expense to apply to get this stay overturned arguing there was “NO SERIOUS ISSUE TO BE TRIED”.
Unfortunately their application was LAUGHED OUT OF COURT by judges when they discovered Bristol City Council was refusing to disclose the successful tender and evaluation documents they were using as evidence in their application to the court!
In other words, arrogant prat Sanjay and his minions thought they could get away with using secret, un-cross-examined evidence to NOBBLE a local charity!
Does Prashar understand how the British justice system works? Perhaps there’s someone down the council who can explain it to him and then explain he’s not working in bent Tory Devon now please?
With a FULL JUDICIAL REVIEW already granted to Next Link and, now, Sanjay’s miserable failure to get the stay removed, it’s beginning to look like another expensive legal flop will be coming Sanjay’s way very soon indeed.
Watch this space.