Tag Archives: Deputy Head of Legal


Spy medium

Our old friends at Private Eye have picked up on the SEND spying scandal.

They picked up on the farcical ‘fact finding’ report produced by the council’s none-too-bright Deputy Head of Legal Nancy “Rollercoaster” Rollason which claims she found “no evidence” of  “systematic monitoring”.

A strange conclusion when emails in the public domain between SEND managers openly state that they’re “working hard to uncover concrete evidence”!

Perhaps they worked hard uncovering unsystematically?


Hugh Evans
Creepy Hugh Evans, stalker of local mothers, trying to look hard.

Bristol City Council have been insisting via a ridiculous ‘fact-finding’ report authored by their ridiculous head of legal Nancy “Rollercoaster” Rollason that no ‘systematic monitoring’ of SEND parent’s social media ever took place.

Now a video clip, from the summer, briefly comes to light, before disappearing again into the internet shadows, starring one of the council’s ‘weak men’, People Director, Hugh “Cares” Evans. The “brains” behind the hapless surveillance operation, Evans says:

Would you want to read from your partner organisation or colleagues something on social media the like of which we’ve been reading on social media?

Leaving aside why Hugh’s being paid £180k a year to read the general public’s social media, are we to believe Hugh and his SEND manager mates must have been regularly accessing parents social media in a totally unsystematic way?

Or has he been lying through his teeth to a council lawyer?