Tag Archives: Gavin Jones


Nicola Yates: Well, you'd smile too, if you'd been paid off like she has!

Nicola Yates: Well, you’d smile too, if you’d been paid off like she has!

With the ink barely dry on her massive pay-off cheques (and gagging orders) to five of Bristol’s departing service directors, we can reveal that Mayor Fergo’s new City Director, Nicola ‘Lady Gaga’ Yates has brought her own TOWN HALL FAT CAT SCANDAL with her: she received her own secretive pay-off of £242,677 as “compensation for loss of office” in 2012.

Tory supporter LADY GAGA departed from her post as Chief Exec of cash-strapped Hull Council soon after Labour started running the administration last year. However, the exact reasons for her departure are unknown because … Wait for it … Both parties have signed a GAGGING ORDER preventing them discussing her dismissal!!

The BRISTOLIAN also learns that the appointment of Lady Gaga was considerably more controversial than MAYOR FERGO has claimed.

Rather than being a “unaninous decision of the appointment panel” as claimed, we’ve been tipped off that the independent recruitment panel members preferred Swindon Chief Exec Gavin Jones.

Presumably he would have come with considerably less baggage and personal wealth?