Dipshit Daz: poorly manicured clown
“I should have voted for Charlotte Leslie. At least Charlotte only OPPOSES the Labour Party, Darren Jones actively UNDERMINES the party and its members. He’s a disgrace.”
So says one long-suffering member of Bristol North West Constituency Labour Party who is sick to death of their thicko right wing MP, Darren “Dipshit” Jones and his endless shenanigans aimed at UNDERMINING Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters in the Labour Party.
The FINAL STRAW came for this supporter at a constituency party meeting in March when Dipshit Daz attempted to strong-arm his constituency into allowing the right-leaning JEWISH LABOUR MOVEMENT (JLM) to affiliate to the local party.
At least one party member, an officer of Jones’ constituency party and a committed socialist, loudly OBJECTED to Jones’ proposal. Not only because they objected to the politics of the JLM but also because they knew that this national organisation affiliating to Dipshit’s local party would give them A VOTE in any forthcoming selection battle Dipshit might find himself involved in.
To get an idea of the politics of the Jewish Labour Movement, which openly claims to be “ZIONIST” and the voice of Jewish members of the Labour Party, they have not issued A SINGLE STATEMENT on their website nor a single tweet about the recent killing of 59 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers at the Gaza border. Nothing. Not a word.
Dipshit responded to his party officer’s REASONABLE COMPLAINTS by filming the socialist miscreant on his phone as he spoke and then PUBLICLY tweeting his new-found anti-Corbynite ally, Liverpool MP and big name JLM supporter, Luciana Berger. “Do you send speakers to CLPs? My CLP VC just called you “zionist” and that your affiliation requires debate. Can you come?” enquired the dipshitted one.
Luciana then kindly tweeted back to Dipshit, copying in her 73k-off followers, that she could indeed come. Thus unleashing a nationwide anti-semitic WITCH-HUNT against a key Corbynite member of Labour’s Bristol North West constituency Party.
Many North West members are said to be less than impressed with Dipshit’s conduct. Not only for publicly filming and revealing the content of a party meeting LIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA but also for his role in the public SMEARING of an officer of his local party.
How much longer can Dipshit Daz survive? Surely deselection beckons?