Category Archives: Well I Never!

The things these idiots say, it’s no wonder we give them grief…


Whether it’s refuse collection contracts that aren’t worth the paper they’re written on, or a white elephant kiosk shambles, Cllr ‘HEFTY’ HOPKINS is all about the quality…

March 2011

“Did someone mention free Danish pastries?” Castle Park kiosk opens, 2011

“Did someone mention free Danish pastries?” Castle Park kiosk opens

Having outsourced the running of cafes in Bristol parks to Diamond Catering and bought a load of pricey sheds from Italy on the say-so of a bloke with a financial interest and rumoured family connections to the vendor:

The installation of these kiosks will not only provide a range of high quality drinks and snacks but they will also bring people of all ages together to meet informally and socialise. The kiosks will also provide an important income for re-investment in parks.

May 2012

“Did someone mention free lattes?” Cafés brought in-house by council

“Did someone mention free lattes?” Cafés brought in-house by council

Having brought the parks cafés under direct council control following the collapse of Diamond Catering seven months previously:

By bringing the café and kiosk service in-house we know we can offer local people a consistently high quality service at a fair price. The catering service will not only offer a great service for visitors, it will also bring in additional revenue, which will of course be re-invested into the council’s park services.


July 2011

“You know some people throw away perfectly good cream cakes just because they're a bit over the Best Before date!” Yet more dedication to publicity photos from Gary Hopkins

“You know some people throw away perfectly good cream cakes just because they’re a bit past the Best Before date!”

On the announcement of the £96 million waste collection contract awarded to May Gurney:

[It] will bring a quality service.