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please investigate liam fox MP. He is complicit in the recent slaughter of tamils in sri lanka and the buying selling of valuable beach resorts in said country. He is involved personally…. You’re welcome to use this if you can!
Hi there,
With RPZ’s everywhere being touted as the next big thing you might like to investigate the following:-
The Redcliffe RPZ was implemented in January of this year and was a complete balls up from the start. Firstly the scheme is in an area of 95% social housing, that is there aren’t many of us here that are exactly rich, Secondly the residents of the two largest tower blocks were excluded from the consultation completely as there was a separate consultation going on over permit controlled parking (“consultation isn’t listening to your views it’s us telling you what we are going to do.”). It was then discovered that loads of parking spaces assumed for decades to be under the control of housing were in fact under the control of highways, and flat dwellers in those areas who thought they’d get free permits from Housing in fact had to cough up £30 to highways instead.
Anyway, the pay and display machines are installed throughout the RPZ and includes Clarence Road that runs parallel with the new cut. There has been nuisance free money free parking in Clarence Road for years but with the advent of the RPZ all the previously parked cars disappear – presumably to adjacent areas where they don’t have to pay. Revenue in the seven months the scheme has operated must be tiny compared with the cost of monitoring it.
So what happens this week – another consultation leaflet which proposes the removal of the RPZ in Clarence Road, a reduction in road width to 6 metres and the construction of a new bike friendly zone separated from the traffic. In other words removing all the pay and display machines installed just seven months ago.
So here’s an area where the proposed actions by the Council suggest that the RPZ has been a money pit rather than a cash cow and they are covering the fact up by taking away George’s hard-core RPZ wank material and replacing it with his soft-core fuzzy focused bike friendly twaddle.
This needs investigating
We need a central rallying point to start the movement to unelect Ferguson. He has proven to be a nepotist and despot and needs to be unseated.
A central organising point is crucial to getting this process under way.
First we need to establish, with certainty, the steps required to unelect him
We then need to take those steps, before he can inflict further damage on our great city.
Surely THE BRISTOLIAN was born for this challenge.. please step up, your time is now.
“First we need to establish, with certainty, the steps required to unelect him”
– Currently, the best method to remove a mayor or chief exec is to obtain video evidence of them consuming crack or crystal meth. If you have any video of Ferguson doing either, you should post it here.
Tony Havens
14:09 (2 hours ago)
to mayor
I have a few issues that I need to air with you, as it would seem nobody in the Lib Dem party is interested: ie my local councillors, Barbara Janke for one who is going 2015
I was staunch Lib Dem but having second thoughts now in view of this.
1. The response I am waiting for relates to a renewal of an existing parking permit for Brandon House car park which has been declared a Designated car park for tenants .
A copy of the booklet Designated Car Parks has been provided to all tenants as a result of tenants getting upset at their cars being towed away when only a few days out of date, in that booklet it states and I quote under the BOLD HEADING page 5 ” To receive a permit you must provide proof of ownership IE: V5c Vehicle registration document ) and an acceptable form of identity(eg Drivers licence/passport, the permit you will receive will expire 1 year from the date of issue. You will need to renew your permit at this time, PLEASE BE AWARE THAT PERMIT RENEWAL IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Permits can be renewed by visiting your local Customer Service Point, or phoning our Customer Services Centre .
First of all when phoning I was told that was not the case and I would have to provide forementioned documents for a second time!!!!!!!!!
I am subject to claudication I have stents in my BiLateral Iilacks in addition I have a torn Planterfacia ligament right foot and find it hard to get around, and to drag myself into a Customer Point will cause me much pain!
I wish to point out that the production of a passprort or V5c in no way constitutes proof of ownership in anyway, as I am sure you as motorist are fully aware?
Form V5c only records the REGISTERD KEEPER not owner.
Document ref:BD2724 March2012
I was a Technical Officer for CYPS and retired 26th April 2013, I have since learnt that my Blackberry phone 07770750509 to this day is still active, more importantly with nobody using the phone a whole year line rental for nothing, if you phone the number you will here my voice mail stating “Children and Young Peoples Services I am sorry I am unable to take your call at the moment but if you would like to leave your name and number I will get back to you”.
At time of departure the Blackberry line rental was £54 per month X 12 =£648 of council tax payers money wasted in the past year!
Finally I was approached by the governing body of St Johns school Clifton who asked me if I would join the governing body as the named Health and Safety Governor, I have declined, as this school along with Hotwell’s Primary is in a parking zone, I am more than happy to do voluntary work but not when it bites into my BCC pension.
I fear along with the loss of good teachers we could see a decline in people willing to govern schools in parking zones?
At long last Bristol City Council has cancelled my mobile line 07770750509 not bad over a year after retiring, those people work fast eh!!!
Tony Havens
18:29 (3 minutes ago)
to mayor
I am now pleased to be able to inform you that after over a year of retirement my mobile number 07770750509 reports back “You have dialled a wrong number”
Not bad after wasting a year of Vodaphone contract fees for nothing.
I hope this is taken into account with all the people that have taken the redundancy option!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or are we going to pay for their lines for the next 12 months for nothing as well?
Did the political rot that festers in Bristol slither down the Avon valley to infect Portishead or did we send it to Bristol on an incoming tide that had already carried the seams of corrupt politics, nepotism, cronyism, self interest and complete arrogance from our (s)elected wreckresentatives in the hallowed new Cultural Centre of the West Country, WSM?
Your are lucky you don’t have Cllr David Pasley within the City boundary.
Dismaland is a pretender to the throne. Portishead, contrary to press ,usually fabricated by our live in Bristol Post editor Mr NoTongue , is actually the real life Dismaland. Who needs Banksy when we have Pasley?
I’m a researcher in Australia working on environmental consequences of industrial wastes. I’m trying to make a contact with anybody in Avonmouth who might have knowledge about how the 2-3 Million tonne stockpile of fine high lead/zinc slag from the Imperial Smelting Furnace was disposed of. Do you have any email addresses any of the local environmental groups in Avonmouth or any individuals amongst the Avonmouth locals who may be able to help?
Any assistance appreciated.
Tony Morrison
Anthony L Morrison
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Macquarie University, NSW, 2109
Ph +61 2 98507869 Fax +61 2 98507972
When is BCC going to do something about Worst Bus? I am sick and tried of the abysmal service they offer. Buses run late, ‘buses don’t arrive at all. And the display boards in the shelters are a work of fiction. BCC, thanks to George Ferguson, does everything in its power to harass and penalise the motorist but fail to provide adequate public transport. BCC will say that Worst Bus is nothing to do with them but BCC allows to to carry on operating in the city. Does nobody at Worst Bus realise that people need to get somewhere at a certain time?
solicitors at 2 law firms acted in criminal gangs in bristol that lost my family home in 1986 by fraud and then lost all family wealth of a 24 year marriage by fraud1986/91. police crime report issued 2011 and court decision placed at sra for compensation. not yet paid.
history is interesting 1986 both frauds take place by criminal activity.
house sale fraud both firms acted in secret conveyance on family home after my stop sale instruction given to LEAD CONVEYANCOR on 13 August 1986 upon receipt of unexpected Divorce letter from exwife.
dishonest advice misrepresented the sale to me. .sale continued,without my knowledge in september 1986 by ex for completion 07 october 1986 that lost family home and put myself,unemployed on family benefit and displaced from family home purchased by me with our 2 schoolchildren protected against sale by government order while our 2 children were in fulltime education and extended to cover higher education of eldest son when he went to date no regulatory action taken by legal regulators. CAN YOU TRUST YOUR SOLICITOR ???