Monthly Archives: March 2015

Bacardi’s hot water electoral cocktail may leave MP shaken and stirred

Here’s some news you won’t hear on the local BBC – because her boyfriend works there – or in the Evening Post – because the editor is a congenital Tory idiot.

BristolNorth West MP, Charlotte “Bacardi” Leslie is in hot water with Parliament again. And this time round she’s leaked the confidential discussions of Parliament’s Health Select Committee to the media to boost her faltering reelection campaign.

Her actions have managed to piss off not only the highly regarded chair of the committee, Dr Sarah Wollaston, but also the majority of the committee itself who agree that Bacardi’s conduct  “represented a serious interference with the work of the Committee”.

Ms Bacardi, suffering in the battle for her marginal seat with Labour, was apparently desperate to get the contents of the committee’s draft  ‘Public expenditure on health and social care’ report into the public domain before the election.

This is thought to be because she managed to get an electorally convenient u-turn inserted  into the report stating there were no plans for any patient charges in NHS.

Although we all know Ms Bacardi has robustly expressed the view to Channel 4’s Dispatches, BBC Sunday Politics and the Guardian newspaper that patient charges should be introduced to the NHS!

Dr Wollaston and her committee have now voted to refer Ms Bacardi and her shameless electioneering at their expense to the Speaker for disciplinary action.

And the chatter in the tea room says that Bacardi will be forced to apologise to the House of Commons (again).


Gary “FUCKBUCKET” Hopkins, local Lib Dem boss and the undisputed king of ridicule, has reported a Bristolian to the police claiming ‘harassment’ after a four line comment appeared in the Evening Post on Friday:

Forsey comment

After trying to contain themselves the officers at Broadbury Road police station happily dismissed the idiot time wasting liberal’s demented claim.

For, alas, it seems the cops at Broadbury Road have become a lot less accommodating of Fuckbucket’s personal foibles and requests since Southmead Police have started investigating their conduct with Hopkins.

Issues such as Broadbury Road cops handing Fuckbucket and his Lib Dem colleague, Mark Bailey, police intelligence regarding the Gothic Mansion at ASBO case conferences are now firmly in the spotlight.

Police are also becoming interested in hearing if the tiresome Fuckbucket is yet being investigated by the council for his behaviour. This was confirmed by the mayor and legal services a few weeks ago.

He doesn’t like it up him does he?


The council run prosecution/VENDETTA against Misha Simmonite orgainsed by Gary “Fuckbucket” Hopkins has cost us council tax payers a cool £18k.

At a sentencing hearing last Wednesday council lawyers attempted to retrieve £27k in costs from Ms Simmonite only to be LAUGHED OUT OF COURT by magistrates who awarded them £9k costs instead.

That means the council tax payer has to pick the rest of this extortionate tab. These petty councillor-led vendettas are pricey aren’t they?

Council lawyers also failed to slap one of their notorious BENT ASBOS on Ms Simmonite at the hearing. An ASBO application by the council was also thrown out as it was DEEMED ILLEGAL by magistrates.

We’re told the council left the court very dejected.