Monthly Archives: August 2020



On September 1, Bristol City Council’s Mayoral Executive will ram through a package to house many of Bristol’s homeless currently sheltered from Covid-19 in a series of inner-city hotels. They will be sent to a large office-to-housing development at Parkview (formerly the offices of Bristol City Council) off Whitchurch Lane in South Bristol.

These homeless, and any new homeless, are to be given places in 200+ alleged ‘flats’ in a converted office building at Parkview. Run by Caridon, a Croydon-based property company who will PROFIT from this scheme, it will be be known as ‘IMPERIAL APARTMENTS’.

Planning restrictions for an ‘office-into-home conversion’ do not hold the same weight as in residential properties, however. For example, they do not have to conform to normal health and safety regulations and cupboards or storage spaces can be turned into squeezed/minimal size ‘flats’ that do not even have a window.

Companies like Caridon – see this BBC investigation – specialise in EXPLOITING a new housing market devised by councils desperate for cheap housing in an ongoing housing crisis.

And who will deliver Caridon’s profits for their imperialist dream of providing’ sub-standard ‘accommodation’? The answer is of course the Bristol taxpayer, signed off by The Mayor and his Council Executive cronies at College Green on September 1. BCC will also offer Caridon the rent IN FULL as demanded by its Director Mario ‘Darth Vader’ Carrozzo, regardless of whether the residents can pay or not.

The flats run by Darth Vader’s Evil Caridon Empire will house the homeless, single parents, victims of domestic violence, the mentally ill, probationers etc; all together in one big happy family. Take a look at this Panorama documentary to see how well a very similar project, once again run by Caridon, worked out in Harlow 

BCC appear to have told Caridon to keep mum about their Bristol adventure in light of this bad publicity, as the Caridon currently provide no relevant information or links on their website.

NO SWEAT! 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Prancing Parasite Ponce Prince Andrew


1. Prince Andrew is a PAEDOPHILE. This means he likes to rape working class boys and girls with his billionaire friends like Jeffery Epstein who was murdered in prison in case he started squealing on other Royals or politicians etc etc to get a reduced sentence. 

2. Another name for Prince Andrew the Paedophile is “NONCE”. These people go to a “NONCE WING” in prison and get boiling water thrown into their faces……. And get stabbed. 

3. Like the rest of his family Andy is chronically work shy and bone idle. He would have no idea what a trowel or hawk was. BUT he would know how much a 15yr old eastern European girl would cost for an evening. 

4. And WE would pay for that out of OUR TAXES 

5. His favourite band is the Gary Glitter band BUT when paedo Andrew sings, “Do you want to be in my gang” it means…….. ARE YOU 14? And do you want to be shared around with a load of senile tory voting millionaires. 

6. He once asked Tory supporting, corpse shagging mate, JIMMY SAVILE to “Fix it for me” to have a beautiful child bride but ended up with that fat fuck Fergie….. Who after sucking off lots of millionaire business men, left him with two inbred daughters who we pay for. 

7. Every military parade, Prince Andrew, Like the rest of his fucking INBRED repulsive family like to show off a whole chest full of medals for “bravery” and “service to the country”. For example in 1982 whilst working class soldiers from the UK and Argentina were killing each other, Andy’s ship almost came within 1,000 miles of the Falkland’s! Such breath taking courage needs to be rewarded with millions of tax payers money, lots of mansions, constant Caribbean holidays….. and teenage SEX SLAVES

8. His favourite brother is the slap-head ponce Prince Edward. He also hass a dazzling military career. Whilst trying out for the marines he managed two whole press-ups before crying and running back to his fucking Mummy and organising the excruciating it’s a “Royal knock Out” with the rest of the fuckwits. Nowadays he still takes MILLIONS in taxes from our hard-earned wages but has been told to keep out of the public spotlight. So now he cries alone at home while he tugs off into his dead Grans Bloomers. 

9. The Queen has told Andrew he can carry on being a lazy fucking NONCE “But to stay away from any Muslim children” or “He will end up like that Bitch Diana”. 

10. Andrew has constant nightmares that the working class may one day drag him out of one of his mansions, strip him down to his ermine pants and socks and put a well-deserved BULLET in his head.