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“Can I have some more please?”


A reader describes what they witnessed in the Gloucester Road branch of eco-luvvy “Better Foods”. A supermarket/cafe for posh cunts where ‘organic whole foods and drinks’ are sold at extortionate Waitrose-esque prices to Bishopston’s chattering classes by young hipster liberals.

When our source was in the shop reeling at the prices, a well-known Gloucester Road street person with mental/physical health issues came in and asked for a cup of tea. 

The reply was: “NO, you can only have ONE [free] cup a day!” – after which the street person shuffled out again looking dejected.

The liberal-greenie management that run Better Foods obviously resent the price of A SINGLE TEA BAG MORE than their “generous charity quota” of one a day going to the undeserving poor.


Stafford Yard
Stafford Yard, Bedminster

Any Bemmy taking a casual stroll along Malago Road can plainly see flapping in the wind a paper thin sheet that reads fire ‘retardant’.

Grenfell Tower was clad by the local authority because posh twats in Notting Hill didn’t want to look out on something that resembled public housing. ‘Stafford Yard’ looks brick built but is in fact cladding! 

After only signing the ‘Grenfell Pledge’ under pressure it makes us wonder what other

Health & Safety short-cuts Dandara are taking.

Are they hoping that building on a floodplain will mitigate any fire risk?


Malik  Facebook

Ashley’s new Green councillor Abdul “Dull” Malik caught the attention of Lord Mann, the government’s Witchfinder General for antisemitism, last year. A video on Ab-Dull’s Facebook page featured Hamas defending their October 7 attacks and calling Israel “a cancer that should be eradicated.”

The national Green Party jumped into action and a party spokesman apologised, explaining Ab-Dull was “unwittingly tagged into an offensive post that he assures us he did not publish”.

However, screenshots of this – now deleted – post circulating online show the video was posted on what appears to be Ab-Dull’s Facebook page. Shown the screenshot, the Green Party still  insist that Ab-Dull did not publish the post. No explanation for this eccentric interpretation of events has been provided by the party.

Are they just lying?

Expertly climbing up the arse of wealth and privilege.

Sniggers all round at “Tory” Tony Dyer’s first assignment in June as leader of the council – an arse-licking session with Business West at the grand temple of council overspend, the Bristol Beacon.

Spies tell us that Tory Tony accidentally referred to himself as ‘mayor’ twice!  He also told the local business crew he had “expertise in local government finances, housing, and urban planning.”

Areas he’s never worked in and has no qualifications in according to his thin public CV. 

Deluded amateur might be a better description.


Baltic Wharf: prime location – no council houses please.

The city’s largest council house building programme for a generation has been scrapped by Green proclamation. 

At a Housing Committee in September, its chair, community arts twat, Barry “Goldwater” Parsons announced that council housing projects at Baltic Wharf and Hengrove Park were cancelled with immediate effect.

Parsons explained that this multi-million major policy decision was taken by council officers after a grubby deal between Parsons and his Tory wanker vice chair, Richard “Bunter” Eddy. 

The cancellation of these two projects wrecks the council’s HRA business plan, which was supplying funding for council housing over the next 30 years. The plan relies on building council homes and borrowing against the income generated to build more homes. No increased income: no homes.

Parsons refused to let his committee take this major decision. Instead, he used a recent judgement from the government’s Regulator of Social Housing regarding the poor condition of council homes to unilaterally scrap the programme.

Parsons claimed that unknown council officers had instructed him that any housing money must be spent on improving existing homes rather than building new ones. Figures or financial information to back officers’ claims was absent.

Is it a coincidence there was zero mention of council housing in the Green’s manifesto in May?


Sarah Crew
Loopey Oxbridge cat lady, Crew.

Loopey Oxbridge cat lady Sarah “Tigger” Crew, the Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police, has turned the 2,717 rapes recorded in the area for 2023/24 into another roaring policing success.

Despite there being more rape reports per 1,000 people in Avon and Somerset than any other force in Britain, Crew explained at a press conference that “it is not so much about the number of offences being committed but the willingness of people to report it.”

So that’s all right then


Tory Tony U Yurn

Green council boss, “Tory” Tony Dyer, is proving to be highly flexible in power. Before the election, Tory Tony was an enthusiastic supporter of south Bristol’s Yew Tree Farm. The nature reserve and city’s only working farm was under threat from a council plan to expand South Bristol Cemetery into it.

Cometh the moment, cometh the man and now Tory Tony has concluded that expanding the cemetery onto the farm is a great idea. He’s even brokered his own ‘compromise’ between himselves to only use the land for a dirty great drainage pond.

Tory Tony was also an enthusiastic supporter of the victims of the SEND spying scandal. Supporting public demand for a proper investigation into senior council bosses’ surveillance of parents of children with SEND. To score a few political points over Labour, he even helpfully leaked an unredacted version of the council’s internal whitewash report to SEND victims so they could stir the pot for him.

Now, there’s no sign of any investigation from Tory Tony and he’s blocking legal action by the victims against the council by refusing to respond to a pre-action letter issued to his council months ago.

What will the courts make of his clueless dickheadery?



Further institutional confusion emerges around Asher Craig’s Stepping Up (SU) business. We’ve already learned how Bristol City Council senior bosses dodged their own procurement rules to hand public money over to the former Deputy Mayor’s private training company. 

When that scam got uncovered, Bristol Waste became the vehicle for subsidising the Deputy Mayor’s company instead. Including supplying an apparent £53k loan to the Slasher’s company.  A loan that the council waste company now denies making. Claiming, instead, that SU is their “debtor”. But what service was a waste company selling to a management training company? Very pricey waste disposal services?

Now WECA’s joined the party. Information from a member of the public at a WECA Audit Committee meeting reveals that a £150k grant awarded to SU was dependent on a financial guarantee from, er, Bristol Waste! However, any guarantee should have been approved by Bristol Waste shareholder, Bristol City Council and recorded on the Council’s website. There’s no record of this authorisation so any “guarantee” is unlawful under company law. 

Did anyone at WECA think to ask why Bristol Waste was acting as a “parent guarantor” for a company where a Bristol Cabinet member was a director and if it was legal? Where’s the due diligence?