The cost of a ‘world class’ private sector Youth Zone in south Bristol is rising.
The capital cost of building this large shed for wealthy philanthropists to pose in on open space at Inns Court was originally £8.4m with Bristol City Council paying one half, £4.2m.
Now we learn that the council will be paying a further £3.275m to build the access road and to level the site.
Philanthropic charitable partner, Onside, meanwhile, will only have to pay £600k towards this.
In terms of running the zone, once opened in 2026, the Reverend’s cabinet has now committed £400k of the measly £1m budget for youth services from 2026. Two years after the Labour Party are likely to have lost power in Bristol.
There will be, therefore, 40 per cent less youth provision in an already stretched service elsewhere in the city from 2026.
Youth workers and services not aboard the Youth Zone gravy train are not impressed.
The dismal reality of the ‘world class’ train station the Reverend Rees is foisting on us at Temple Meads is emerging.
A reader writes: “we were recently at Temple Meads trying to find somewhere warm to sit with our rip-off £3.80 Starbuck takeout-only coffees and we asked one of the station staff if there was a waiting room?
“Just go in the Pumpkin Cafe,” they replied.
“Are we allowed in there with drinks we didn’t buy from them?”
“Oh don’t worry about that. They’re all the same company in here except WH Smiths.”
Meaning a monopoly is running all the refreshment concessions at the station and just sticking different branding on them to create an illusion of choice. This monopoly is then able to charge any inflated price they like across the station.
If there were five or six different companies competing for your trade, prices would be lower and food better as concessions compete for your trade on price and quality.
Welcome to ‘world class’. One great big corporate rigged rip-off monopoly delivering mediocrity.
This comment “blurred into conspiracy theories” explained investigative experts at the Cable without bothering to explain why. Although we do know that ‘conspiracy theories’ soon blur into ‘right wing’ in the centrist lexicon of smears (with ‘anti-semite’ not far behind).
However, a brief look at the website of the World Economic Forum, a powerful, inarguably, right wing economic lobby group of unbelievable wealth who meet annually at the exclusive Swiss resort of Davos to lobby governments in the interests of US billionaire oligarchs, global corporations and the international banking and finance class, reveals they are openly promoting a series of ‘net zero’ policies. Including, er, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and ’15 Minute Cities’! Why is mentioning this a conspiracy theory?
Informed progressive commentary on the subject suggests that the Davos billionaire club is running a self-serving ‘net zero’ PR campaign aimed at protecting their own wealth and interests rather than the climate. Most of their proposals will have a marginal effect on climate and will not challenge the existing global economic order that’s driving it. But the charade might make the billionaires look like they’re doing something as they shovel more cash from another scam into their bank accounts. What’s wrong with calling this shit out?
It was pointed out on Twitter to Cable journalists that they were doing billionaires a favour by smearing people who draw attention to them. Along with the observation that one of the Cable‘s funders, Bill Gates, through his philanthropic foundation, was an ‘Agenda Contributor’ to the WEF, so maybe the Cable‘s views on Davos and the WEF are a little untrustworthy?
All sniffily rejected as more conspiracy nonsense by Cable contributors whose expensive educations seemingly didn’t stretch to the simple study of ‘what is a conflict of interest?’
The haughty snobs at the Cable want us to believe that Somalian taxi drivers and some bloke who runs a bar in London campaigning against traffic calming in East Bristol are an imminent right wing threat to your future and wellbeing. By contrast, the US billionaire oligarch class organising the world economy for their own benefit and trashing the planet are cuddly teddy bears in need of protection from dangerous ‘conspiracy theorists’.
Useless fatso former People boss at the council, Hugh “Cares” Evans, fresh from being fired from overseeing Children’s Services after royally fucking up and getting caught spying on parents, has now been caught laughing at the disabled.
A leaked email he sent out to the SEND managers and education directors he incompetently managed reveals him openly mocking a disabled parent’s spelling.
Hugh Cares, who, for some reason, is still allowed by the Reverend to run Adult Care Services for the council, has a statutory responsibility for disabled adults in the city.
We might, therefore, reasonably expect that he doesn’t laugh at them in private. Does Hugh also liven up his dull meetings with his fawning social work managers with hilarious impressions of the learning disabled?
Can someone please put this useless twat out of our misery?
Does the insanity of our regional government body WECA and its deranged mayor, Dan “The WECA Man” Norris, have no bounds?
You may recall that the WECA Man insisted, when arriving in office, that this failing bureaucracy fronted by a man of much self-importance needed high-end offices in central Bristol at twice the price we would pay for exactly the same thing in Yate?
WECA flunkies immediately set about obtaining offices at an appropriate address – Rivergate House, Redcliff Street.
A fortune was then spent on poncy architects, interior design types and a variety of ‘workplace’ bullshitters to create a ‘space’ for Dan and his incompetent bureaucrats to waft around in trying to feel important.
However, when the WECA man finally turned up for his first day, he announced he didn’t want an office on the third floor and it needed to be immediately moved to the ground floor … At a cost of over £100k!
WECA flunkies, of course, obliged and Dan now has an office on the ground floor. Although he’s now refusing to come into the office because he’s not allowed to bring his dog!
A large dump of heavily redacted material has been released by Bristol City Council to local SEND campaigner and blogger Chopsy through a Subject Access Request – part of GDPR personal data rights regulations.
She’s one of the SEND parents severely harassed by senior council bosses through an ugly intimidatory campaign of systematic surveillance of her social media.
Despite their best efforts to cover-up their actions with redactions, this data release looks like even more bad news for council bosses. Revealing that they went beyond monitoring social media and were snooping on parents in ‘real life’ too.
In one email we now find the state openly collecting and circulating the names of people attending a small SEND protest at City Hall on 8 April 2001:
Another email suggests the council used covert human intelligence sources to find out what certain parents and third party organisations were up to:
Despite this type of intelligence gathering by the state being unlawful, a third party obtained information from persons unknown, sent it to a council boss who then circulated it among numerous colleagues.
Stasi, the KGB and Big Brother eat your heart out!
The Bristol Beacon’s establishment bailout continues apace with the Society of Merchant Venturers giving the council’s outsourced money pit a £50k handout in January.
The luvvies did ten times better than most other charities funded by the Venturers. For instance, rape trauma victims got £4.7k; services to help people rebuild their lives following a stroke got £2k and teenagers with learning disabilities got £2k.
Maybe it helps that Bristol Music Trust, handed the Beacon for a pittance by the council, has super-wealthy Merchant Venturer and all-round shit boss, Andrew Nisbet on the board?