“Ground control to Major Tom. I’ve fucked it all right up”

We learn that the appalling Saskia “Hindley” Koynenburg, Bristol City Council’s Head of External Comms and one of the Reverend’s main council flunkeys has quit the council. Her last day was September 30. Was that a small cheer we heard from her long-suffering staff as she left the building?

Hindley’s days always seem numbered at the council after she shot to national notoriety on Youtube this summer for trying to stop the Nazi Post’s LDR journalist, Alex Seabrook, asking the Reverend a question at a press conference because that “wasn’t part of his job description” or some such nonsense.

Matters then got worse for the embittered failed journalist when she was discovered at the centre of the SEND spy scandal. It was Hindley’s sicko team trawling parents’ social media accounts and supplying juicy nuggets of personal information and photos of parents of vulnerable children to Bristol’s SEND managers.

It rather looks like Hindley is fleeing the scene of a crime doesn’t it?

One thought on “MYRA WALKS!

  1. TM

    Use of a popular search engine reveals that she is now “Director of Strategic Communications and Insight” at NCVO, an organisation which appears to advise charities on how to run their operations.
    What “insights” will she be bringing to them, I wonder ?


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