Press Release: Palestine Action Blockade of Elbit’s Bristol HQ Continues Overnight!

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Photo from Palestine Action

Palestine Action’s blockade of the only access to Elbit’s weapons headquarters in Bristol is continuing overnight. We’re calling on all media to cover the ongoing action at the premises.

The address is: Elbit Systems, 30 Hempton Lane, Bristol, BS32 4AR

Dozens are supporting activists who’ve attached themselves to each other and blocked the private road in Aztec West which leads to the premises, disrupting the site’s operation by preventing access. 

Elbit Systems supplies 85% of Israel’s drone fleet, and 85% of its land-based military equipment, and are vital in the state terror inflicted on Palestine.

These actions happen at a time when Israel is mounting a campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing, bombarding Gaza and killing over 8,306 people, 40% of whom are children.

Last week, the Israeli Air Force announced its first use of Elbit’s ‘Iron Sting‘ mortar bomb on Gaza, a weapon which can penetrate double reinforced concrete from a range of 12 kilometers.

Medical teams in Gaza have reported seeing unusually severe burns on the bodies of Palestinians who have been killed or wounded by Israeli strikes, and have related these injuries to new weapons used by the Israeli military. 

Elbit Systems operates across the UK. The Bristol location, which is leased from Sedgemore District Council, is Elbit’s main operational facility. This action therefore hits at the heart of Elbit’s strategic centre, to cause obstruction to business as usual.

Previously, activists from Palestine Action smashed into the side and occupied the inside in May 2022, to mark 74 years since the Nakba (The Catastrophe) began. 

If you would like any further information on Palestine action, please

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals formed with the mandate of taking action against the sites of Elbit Systems and other companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, calling for all such sites to be shut down.

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