What do you do if you’re the Mayor of Bristol and there’s a huge petition due asking to “Halt any further Bristol Residents’ Parking Schemes and roll back all in place” that could be POLITICALLY EMBARRASSING in the lead up to the mayoral election?

Why, you get your friend and gopher “Richard “YES MASSA” Irwin, Community Activist” to simply send an unsolicited and unauthorised mail to Democratic Services asking, “Please can you extend this online petition.”

And back comes the reply from a Bristol City Council Democratic Services’ useful idiot: “As requested, petition ‘Halt any further Bristol Residents’ Parking Schemes and roll back all in place’ has been EXTENDED to 1st  May 2017.”

How convenient! The petition’s been extended for a whole year after the election! Presumably the fact the petition had nothing whatsoever to do with Mr Irvin, a known associate of the mayor, is a petty detail that can be overlooked by super sharp council officers?

Is this conduct legal?

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