Friend of The BRISTOLIAN, Steve Norman announcing, in the latest issue of The BRISTOLIAN, his candidature for Avonmouth at the forthcoming local elections on 22 May seems to have galvanised his Labour opponent, John “BUMBLING” Bees into some action.
And Bumbling Bees’ first move? Why, to send some direct mail to er, Steve Norman!
We’ve faithfully reproduced this incredible piece of political communication below. But what’s going on? Has Bumbling Bees been poisoned with truth serum? Or is this a case of late onset common sense from Bees?
You can go and meet meet Steve on Friday 25 April and Saturday 3, 10 and 17 May outside the Co Op in Shire and pick up a proper leaflet.
Click on image for pdf version.
UPDATE: Bristol Labour Party have informed us the above letter is an “accidental misprint”. Here’s the letter that should have gone out to Steve : Bees letter (pdf)