Tag Archives: ECO-poser

The Ego has landed

darren prat

The only thing in Bristol West that has expanded faster than the Green vote since the last election is their candidate, DARREN “BUGGER” HALL’s, ego.

The former civil service middle manager and LIB DEM VOTER from Southville thought running some ridiculous ECO LIFESTYLE election campaign for hipsters would sweep him to power in Bristol West.

Not quite! Sitting on his arse in Stokes Croft sipping overpriced latte’s while INANELY POSTURING for the national press didn’t really cut it for most people and he came in second as we said he would.

However, this result did not properly reflect Bugger Hall’s extraordinarily HIGH OPINION OF HIMSELF. So, when approached by the press on election night after the result, the tired and emotional PRIMA DONNA treated them to a  hissy fit before running home to Southville to cry!

Bit of a change from those halycon days on Stokes Croft last month when he was charming the press for votes isn’t it?