Tag Archives: The Wrecker

SCARY MONSTERS #4: The Wrecker

It came to pass that a creature of such wickedness that its only joy was in domination came into being. The Wrecker.

Having plundered the cultures of the enlightened, it created an anti-culture of secrecy and wickedness. The Wrecker was full of lust greed and avarice. Scorning spirituality, the vile creature became obsessed with material things. Its violence knew no bounds as it roamed the Earth destroying beauty and harmony.

The just people fought to survive as the Wrecker attacked their homes, families, language and culture. Whole populations were used as assets to fuel the system of greed and immorality as the Wrecker became increasingly frightened about the inevitable collapse of his cancerous ideology.

After The Wrecker had engaged in one of its most hysterical bouts of self-harm, he decided that some of his victims who he had previously forced to a foreign land would be useful elsewhere.

In the second part of the twentieth century, people from the Caribbean were encouraged to come to Great Britain to work. Many of these workers came to live in St Pauls, Bristol.

Typically, of their positive attitude, they promoted an understanding of their culture which was appreciated by the local people and fellow overseas workers. The most well known feature of this is the St Pauls Carnival. The wrecker became enraged by people working on a building of love in complete opposition to his philosophy of selfish self-obsession.

It has long been Bristol City Council policy not to house people of Afro-Caribbean origin in St Pauls and the council took over the long running and self-sufficient carnival. They have cancelled the carnival because they cannot afford to run something that’s already up and running. They now need the area and once again the needs of the victims of the wrecker are ignored.

Please help resist the Wrecker! A monster is most dangerous when it is in its death throes