The Markets FileWhat’s happened to this report on the city council’s crisis hit MARKETS SERVICE their Audit Committee has been promised by council bosses since September?

It didn’t appear in November. It didn’t appear in January. Although a minute from January assured the committee, “a report on the Markets Service will be presented to the Committee at its Meeting on 6th March 2015.”

Alas, there’s no sign of any such report on the agenda for 6 March now either. What on earth’s the problem? Where is this report? Why’s it taking so long?

Facilties Management bosses and their boss Robert “SPUNKFACE” Orrett have now had THREE YEARS to come up with a rational explanation for what looks very much like open corruption and theft in this department and the blind eyes turned.

However, we do note some small changes over the six months we’ve been waiting for this report to appear.

Initially it was going to be delivered by the senior boss responsible, SPUNKFACE. By January he’d found a minion, Charles “DIRTBUSTER” Harding to deliver the bad news. And now it looks like Harding has found his own useful idiot to explain the inexplicable. Step forward lower middle management mug, Stacey Bartlett.

If the buck passing continues at this rate, Spunkface and Dirtbuster soon will be putting forward the cleaner to deliver their report!

Oddly, none of the three were anywhere near the Markets Service in 2012 when former bosses Harvey and Morris “uncollected” £165k of the department’s money and then attempt to dispose of any troublesome whistleblowers to cover their tracks.

Presumably we can expect this thriller of a report in May then?


    1. thebristolblogger Post author

      Not sure there is an inquest. The claim appears to derive from council PR boss Tim Borett in the Post when he made a half-arsed attack on the Bristolian – Bristol City Council defends manager found dead after review

      Note also how he claims “any financial malpractice was down to a formerly “antiquated” system that had now been modernised.”

      So there’s an admission of malpractice (by who?) that’s now allegedly been resolved. But how come a year later they can’t produce a report to prove this?

      This is a murky business indeed.

  1. PaulB

    The Bristol Post 12 March 2014 said
    An inquest into Mr Harvey’s death has been opened at Flax Bourton’s coroner’s court and has been closed again while further inquiries are made.

    Murky indeed


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