HooperMayor Wanker’s Tory boy housing boss, Nick “DROOPER” Hooper is threatening to EVICT homeless people living in parks in tents because they’re “a nuisance that attracts anti-social behaviour.”

No doubt they also ruin the view when this SUPERANNUATED HOUSING PONCE looks out of the window of his Clifton pile?

Instead, the man handsomely paid to be directly responsible for the homeless problem in Bristol says the homeless should “SLEEP IN DOORWAYS” or “UNDER BRIDGES” while the incompetent oaf thinks up something else to do with them all.

This news comes hard on the heels of Drooper’s attempts to evict high-profile anti-pollution activist Steve “THE AVON MOUTH” Norman from his Avonmouth council home for parking his car with a disabled blue badge in, er … a parking space!

Let’s hope the first thing the new mayor does in May is sack Drooper, a revolting piece of Tory shit with no place in our city.

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