
Another example of the Reverend Rees’s WEIRDO corporate free market Christian evangelical ideology appears with news that the CORPORATE PRIVATE SECTOR are moving into the city council’s planning department to deal with planning applications.

Corporate consultancy firm Arup, who specialise in picking up OUTSOURCED PUBLIC SECTOR work, will soon be, “processing a range of planning applications and associated work within reasonable timescales and will contribute towards housing delivery amongst other objectives.”

Will this contribution towards housing delivery include Arup overseeing the Reverend’s major development plans for the CUMBERLAND BASIN? The one where the company delivering the masterplan is, er, Arup!

The contract has been awarded with no political oversight or input from councillors.


  1. dale trimble

    Not for the first time, The Mayor is acting in his capacity ‘ultra vires’.
    Legal action must be considered to halt his personal agenda but by whom?
    I have been given to understand that our ‘friends’ KPMG have a permanent office within City Hall or at Temple,WHY?

  2. Richard Dark

    I tried to find a source for the quote in this worrying piece:
    “processing a range of planning applications and associated work within reasonable timescales and will contribute towards housing delivery amongst other objectives.”
    but could find nothing on the Council website. Can anyone help please?

  3. paul

    More of Marvin’s trickle down economics, give away a valuable asset owned by the City then Bristol residents (on an average salary of £28k) subsidise flats they could never afford to rent or own built by Companys who’s employees earn way more than the Council Tax Payers subsidising them.

    I’m sure Labour don’t use the term ‘trickle down’ instead its is a non-binary collabarative multi agency directive approach.

    For the many, not the few.


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