Steve Norman’s received a reply to his email sent to all councillors last night pointing out that their local authority’s resources and officers have been used to pursue a PERSONAL VENDETTA against a member of the public on behalf of Bristol City Council’s Lib Dem leader, Gary “FUCKBUCKET” Hopkins.
And what a reply! It comes from none other than former Bristol Tory boss and all-round twat, PETER ABRAHAM. Abraham’s combination of stupidity and pomposity and his puppy-like willingness to turn a blind eye to corruption at the council make him an ideal spokesman for all Bristol City Councillors.
And Abraham is no stranger to sharp practice himself is he? Wasn’t he the chair of the Public Rights of Way Committee that UNLAWFULLY AGREED to allow billionaire Steve Lansdown to build a football stadium on a Town Green? A case that eventually ended up in the High Court with Bristol City Council unable to offer any defence.
Below is Abraham’s email in full. Below that we’ve Fisked it for you to reveal our councillors’ ignorance and stupidity in all its glory.
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 21:29:07 +0000Good Evening
I find it very difficult to follow what allegations you are making and a letter sent to all members does not seem to me to be the most responsible way of deal with this issue, I do not understand your involvement and if you have information please summit them to the Head of Legal Services.
I also find the political edge to your email again not the best way of dealing with any issue which might have a case to answer.
The member officer relationship is a very important to good governance of our city and I would wish any allegations to be fairly and properly investigated.
Sent from my iPadCllr. Peter Abraham
Our comments in red:
I find it very difficult to follow what allegations you are making [Can’t this thick Tory shit read? The allegations are that one of your officers committed PERJURY and the other admitted to helping a councillor organise a VENDETTA against a member of the public you gormless fucking halfwit] and a letter sent to all members does not seem to me to be the most responsible way of deal with this issue [Well, how fucking stupid. Writing to complain about corruption to the people who are actually in charge of the organisation. Why would they want to know about that? It might spoil the smooth running of their pointless meetings], I do not understand your involvement [How dare a member of the public get involved in Abraham’s council going about its bent business!] and if you have information please summit them to the Head of Legal Services [Good idea. Submit a complaint to the head of one of the departments involved in the corruption. We’ve seen emails from Abraham’s Legal Services regarding the detail of the ongoing court case that have been openly copied into Gary Hopkins. This is so unusual it’s entirely unprecedented. Why is confidential legal information being shared with a councillor? This usually never happens. A councillor should not be party to that level of detail. Especially as the information relates to an action against a house in Knowle Road in the Windmill Hill Ward. Hopkins is, of course, the councillor for Knowle. What exactly’s the point in complaining to a bent manager about their bent service? They’ll just do what they always do. Cover it up and lie to councillors about it.]
I also find the political edge to your email again not the best way of dealing with any issue which might have a case to answer [A Mickey Mouse politician like Abraham complaining about politics? What the fuck?]
The member officer relationship is a very important to good governance of our city and I would wish any allegations to be fairly and properly investigated [So who’s going to investigate? Your bent legal services or your bent Internal Audit? Why don’t out councillors get off their lazy, underemployed arses and do it themselves? And do it properly. Or are they scared what they might discover?]
Over the last eighteen months The BRISTOLIAN has exposed corruption in the council’s Markets Service, the Cash-in-Transit Service, among facilities managers, the Docks Service, the Internal Audit department and, now, Environmental Health. The Planning Department are also now seriously implicated in this latest piece of council corruption.
How much longer do councillors intend to sit on their arses doing nothing, pretending there isn’t a problem in an organisation that clearly appears to be bent from top to bottom?
Bristol City Council isn’t a public service organisation run for the benefit of the people of Bristol any more. It’s a nasty little gangster organisation run for the benefit of a few managers and councillors.
Something must be done.
This is unbelievable , there is now evidence , given on oath , that a vendetta has nbeen organised against a bristol citizen. The question now is , what are the council going to do to put their house in order ? Complacency , obliviousness and shrugging it off are no longer acceptable … This goes to the very heart of governorship and accountability in bristol. This happened in court , it is explosive , incendiary stuff. A scandal: this is not hyperbole.
They will do what they always do go down like polaris submarines lets not forget this was how Jimmy Saville was able to avoid justice because he formed links with the establishment that protected him and all the others until now. It is time the police begun a full investigation in to the running of Bristol City Council and the corruption within its walls. It goes from Fergusson down he has known for ages about this case and done nothing to stop this vendetta and victimisation of this citizen WHY? Gary Hopkins is nothing more than a Bully & An Abuser Of Women come and try it with me Hopkins I hear the rumours of your abuse against another female who stood up to you you fat gutless piece of shit. An abuser protected by other Councillors bit like the protection of the BCC Lib Dem paedophile all over again
It just shows that a second rate intelligence is no handicap in politics if you’re prepared to play dirty in bristol. I wonder if Gary makes the other parties give him their lunch money ? I hope the malevolent misogynist is exposed soon but I have a feeling the hapless wimps that are his fellow councillors will be hiding and snivelling somewhere else …
Will this piece of shit ever give up terrorising the weaker amongst us. He’s just a small fish in a big pond, – I just hope a nice big shark would will along and gobble him up like the pond-life he really is. Scum like “fuckbucket hopkins” should really be removed from office immediately. Who’s going to help me do it.
I have personally witnessed hopkins terrorising a female employee of the council… I think his time is up and he’s been rumbled. How much longer can he get away with this?