Oily or wot?
Another day, another legal threat … This one comes courtesy of Dean “SHIFTY” Blake, an oily looking character in a cheap pin stripe suit.
Dean styles himself “Communications Manager, Cabot Learning Federation” and appears to be touting for private business for himself using a picture of David Cameron, here, on a website entirely paid for by tax payers allegedly to promote, er, educating our kids.

Oily PR for hire ..
Anyway, it seems cry baby Dean is upset with this amusing little photo we published recently:

Although please note, he doesn’t dispute the content of our story on the Bristol Brunel Academy, published here.
Anyway, here’s Dean’s soppy little threat to us in full:
Dear Sir
This photograph is the property of Bristol Brunel Academy. Neither the Academy, nor those featured in the picture, have given their permission for the photograph to be used in this way. Please remove the photograph from your website as soon as possible for the following reasons:
1. Infringement of copyright; Bristol Brunel Academy own this picture
2. Safeguarding of staff and students
3. Defamation of character in regard to the member of staff
If this image has not been removed within 24 hours of this message being posted, we will escalate proceedings via our legal team.
Ooh! Fighting talk! It’s always a good idea to threaten us!
Although, in the first place, if there’s a “safeguarding” issue with this photo, maybe Dean should not have published it along with all the other photos of kids on his own public website? Or does he only use the safe bit of the internet?
So here’s our response to Dean:
Hi Dean, you soppy little PR plonker,
If you wish to send us legal threats then please do it through a fucking lawyer. We’re hardly likely to take any notice of some witless, half-educated wannabe PR bloke in a cheap pin stripe suit are we?
In the meantime, can we suggest you and the rest of your Cabot Learning Federation fuck off and get on with educating our children properly rather than picking a fight with a local news service who are simply pointing out that you’re abusing children. Last time we looked, locking people away against their will was an abuse of their human rights. We suggest you stop it.
Finally, please note, any “legal” correspondence sent to us will be immediately posted online so that we can all howl with laughter at it. We also reserve the right to put in FoI requests to find out how much of our money – meant for the education of our kids – will be handed over to a provincial Temple Quay law firm to argue aimlessly with us over a comedy photo.
In the meantime, thanks for keeping this story rolling for us. Top PR work mate!
We look forward to hearing from your non-existent “legal team”.
Oh happy days …