Tag Archives: council housing


Cuddly GusAnother month, another foot-in-mouth fiasco from Mayor Fergo’s right hand man, Ashley Councillor Augustus Hoyt.

You may have noticed Bristol’s miscast housing supremo SIR HOYTY-TOYTY taking to the pages of the Nazi Post to lecture residents in Sea Mills about how he won’t help them renovate their ex-council homes at the same time as BCC housing stock in the area is expensively perked up.

“The council must target our funding to- wards our own housing stock and those lost
to private ownership would not qualify for council investment,” blusters the buffoon.
He then helpfully explains, “Our option is never to lose our housing stock to private ownership as we have a backlog of those trying to access council properties.”

Why indeed it is! So let no-one say Sir Gus has no idea how to deal with the city’s ongoing housing crisis. It’s simple. Just buy yourself outright a nice family home in a fashionable area at a KNOCKDOWN PRICE off the council!

Obviously you’ll need to conveniently ‘forget’ you’re CONTRADICTING your own stated public policy and depriving someone else in need of a home.

Really? So surely this can’t be the same Sir Gus Hoyty-Toyty, a single man, who in 2012 BOUGHT FOR CASH a very competitively priced and well-appointed family-size home in chi-chi Montpelier for just £186,500 off the, er, council could it?

But, presumably, that’s just – another – small price to pay?