Tag Archives: #GustyGate
And so ‘GustyGate’ continues…
It seems that putting out his ‘public statement’ via the hidden-away blog section of the Bristol Greens’ website – presumably without anyone else checking it through first – may end up causing ex-council house carpetbagger Cllr Augustus Hoyt more problems than he hoped it would cause!
Firstly, he claims he bought his flat in 2011 – when in fact he ACTUALLY bought it in 2012.
Secondly, he admits that he knew it was a council property BEFORE he bought it, and that he could have pulled out after he ‘discovered’ this fact:
I enquired about this and my heart sank when they said they were acting as the agents for BCC who were disposing of the property. I…almost withdrew from the process.
(‘Almost’ – but not not quite. Ah, the sweet smell of a politician’s bullshit-scented principles!)
Thirdly, Hoyt – who by his own admission at the time lived only “three doors down” from the property he was to buy – KNEW that it was owned by Bristol City Council well before it was even put on the market.
We have paperwork which clearly shows that the property in question was only put up for sale AFTER February 2012 – and that Gus Hoyt had been sent details of this in January 2012 as part of his ward councillor casework.
Former fellow Ashley councillor Jon Rogers has now CONFIRMED that both he and Gus Hoyt were told that the property was owned by BCC and would be sold on the open market if no objections were raised. It is not known if anybody did object to the proposed sale – but the fact that the sale went through apparently unhindered suggests not.
So the question is, was Gusty a CRAP COUNCILLOR, who didn’t properly read his paperwork, or a GREEDY HYPOCRITE, who demands higher standards from others than himself?
Answers on a postcard…

The many faces of Bristol City Council housing supremo, Assistant Mayor Cllr Gus Hoyt – buying up your public housing stock at very reasonable prices since 2012!
It seems that The BRISTOLIAN‘s story about Assistant Mayor Gus Hoyt’s hypocrisy over people who live in ex-council houses – which we EXCLUSIVELY broke last week in issue #4.13 (OUT NOW at all good stockists!) has stung the Right Honourable Halfwit for Mueslibelt (East)…
After Bristol 24-7 got in touch with him for a follow-up piece, he had some sort of a fizzy-mouthed fit in which he came out with nonsense such as:
I regret that it is necessary to make [this statement] but the recent article in The Bristolian is full of innuendo and therefore has to be refuted.
Except, of course, it’s not ‘innuendo’ to state facts, and you can’t ‘refute’ facts by admitting them!
In September 2012 Gus Hoyt bought a family-sized flat from Bristol City Council.
Gus Hoyt paid cash for it – £186,500 with no mortgage.
Gus Hoyt does not deny either of the facts above. Because they are facts!
We look forward to seeing Augustus Bendy-Truth’s promised “public statement” sometime soon on the Bristol Green Party website…
Edited to add:
That Augustus Hoyt statement in full is now up (and definitely not hidden away on a dusty, forgotten part of the Bristol Greens’ website where even fewer people go than the ‘News’ page!)
Another month, another foot-in-mouth fiasco from Mayor Fergo’s right hand man, Ashley Councillor Augustus Hoyt.
You may have noticed Bristol’s miscast housing supremo SIR HOYTY-TOYTY taking to the pages of the Nazi Post to lecture residents in Sea Mills about how he won’t help them renovate their ex-council homes at the same time as BCC housing stock in the area is expensively perked up.
“The council must target our funding to- wards our own housing stock and those lost
to private ownership would not qualify for council investment,” blusters the buffoon.
He then helpfully explains, “Our option is never to lose our housing stock to private ownership as we have a backlog of those trying to access council properties.”
Why indeed it is! So let no-one say Sir Gus has no idea how to deal with the city’s ongoing housing crisis. It’s simple. Just buy yourself outright a nice family home in a fashionable area at a KNOCKDOWN PRICE off the council!
Obviously you’ll need to conveniently ‘forget’ you’re CONTRADICTING your own stated public policy and depriving someone else in need of a home.
Really? So surely this can’t be the same Sir Gus Hoyty-Toyty, a single man, who in 2012 BOUGHT FOR CASH a very competitively priced and well-appointed family-size home in chi-chi Montpelier for just £186,500 off the, er, council could it?
But, presumably, that’s just – another – small price to pay?