[polldaddy poll=7465155]
Right, polling is now open – and will remain open until 5pm, Monday 4 November 2013 – so now is the time to choose the portrait which you think best encapsulates Bristol City Council’s GARY HOPKINS, Lib Dem councillor for Knowle.
There’s a £5 bag of meat (or meat substitute) at stake for the artists, so please poll responsibly…
- ‘Kind But Still’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, ink and brush, 2013, Jeff from Bedminster
- ‘Local Taxi Driver’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, ink, 2013, Durston Fletcher
- ‘Public Waste Of Considerable Space’, Councillor Gary Hopkins (1), digital composition, 2013, @Eastville_Ern
- ‘Meat Zeppelin’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolours, 2013, @guriben
- ‘Gary’s Doghouse’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, ballpoint pen, 2013, @guriben
- ‘(Untitled Gary Hopkins Portrait)’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, photograph of spraypaint, 2010, Steve Loughran
- ‘No’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolour & crayon, 2013, guriben