Tag Archives: South West


Polling station


The Bristolian newswire reveals that grim Green Tory Councillor for Clifton, Paula “Mickey” O’Rourke has withdrawn her celebrated resignation and will stand again next year as the posh ward’s greenwash candidate for business as usual.

Is this a plan to attempt to bring some centrist discipline to any Greens thinking about introducing any genuine left wing policies at Bristol City Council next year?

A suspicion not allayed by news that Mickey will be joined as a Clifton candidate by the Cotswold’s finest, Jerome “Unhinged” Thomas, an Oxbridge prat who quit as Green Clifton councillor in 2021 to spend more time with his property portfolio.

Jerome has been known to announce from the comfort of his million pound Clifton gaff that “we need a radical and changed approach to how we live in the world”.

We certainly do Jerome. Where shall we start?


Confirmation arrives of the number of candidates each of the four largest parties stood in local elections across the South West in May. Tories were ahead with 677 candidates covering 92 per cent of seats, down from 96 per cent four years ago. The Lib  Dems were on 581, 79 per cent, up from 74 per cent.

Labour had 348 candidates, 47 per cent, 6 per cent down. While the Greens were close to overtaking Labour, challenging in 329 seats, 45 per cent, up from 33 per cent. Rumours suggest Labour, despite riding high in the polls, are struggling to find candidates for elections in Bristol.

Are there no dishonest centrist authoritarian bastards lacking a moral compass out there in Bristol West?