Tag Archives: Traffic Regulation Order


Bath buildings

The Dolphin School, the self-styled feeder primary school for Colston Girls School conveniently located on the Cheltenham Road site of the controversial girls school, has for a number of years been trying to BUY LAND to gain additional access to their overcrowded site from Kwik-Fit and other businesses on Bath Buildings, Montpelier.

Alas, the school, run by our good friends the chronically underperforming (Merchant) Venturers Trust, has FAILED to get anywhere. So now they’ve turned to useful city council idiot, transport chief Peter “Useless” Mann for help.

And he’s obliged by attempting to RUIN access to businesses and residences on Bath Buildings by issuing a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) stopping vehicles turning left into Bath Buildings from Cheltenham Road. The notice informing residents and businesses appeared on 29 May and it will be implemented on 6 July. Obviously there’s been NO public consultation.

The measure effectively SPLITS Kwik Fit in two with their MOT trade having to travel to St James Barton roundabout then back up Stokes Croft and Cheltenham Road to enter their MOT bay on Bath Buildings. There are a further 16 BUSINESSES on Bath Buildings affected, plus one sub-surface car park for 90+ cars and 250 holders of RPZ permits.

We learn: “The community intends to make a big thing out of this and a demo is planned plus a bit of civil disobedience but all in the best possible taste.”