Tag Archives: Zero hours


Our blue skies imagineering property magnate, hipster entrepreneur, millionaire mayor George Ferguson is at it again.

In a recent reply to questions on Bristol City Council’s use of ZERO-HOURS CONTRACTS – where employers offer you a job but don’t actually guarantee any work – he half-heartedly explained:

In respect of contractors, I cannot give you a definitive assurance that zero hours contracts are never used.

Perhaps Mayor Fergo – or rather the lackey that writes his answers for him to read out – should be a little more inquisitive about the conduct of his council’s contractors.

Because The BRISTOLIAN is happy to give our readers a ‘definitive assurance’ that, in fact, THEY DO USE ZERO HOURS CONTRACTS.

In fact at the exact time George published his pathetically weak answer, notorious employment agency BLUE ARROW was advertising on the government’s Universal Jobmatch website for Recycling Operatives in the “Bristol area” for:

one of our large recycling clients whohave mutilipul depots all accross the South West [sic]

Blue Arrow - pimping out zero hours council jobs for May Gurney

Blue Arrow – pimping out zero hours council jobs for May Gurney

A brief phone call to Blue Arrow reveals that this particular ‘large recycling client’ is none other than MAY GURNEY – operator of waste services for the city council already mired in a blacklisting’ scandal – and confirms that it’s a zero hour contract on offer. Blue Arrow even helpfully add: “own transport is an advantage as it means that if work goes quiet at one site employer can try and get applicants into another.”

How nice. An employer running public services that might find you some work – somewhere – if you can get there – if not, you don’t get paid! Great for MISERLY BOSSES, but not such a great offer for someone trying to sign off, though…

Yet another feather in the cap for Fergo’s supposed international city of cool, don’t you think?