ElizabethA boat was put up for sale recently. If you have a spare £15K you can buy it. It is called THE ELIZABETH.

Is it a coincidence that this is the same name as one of the boats previously owned by the now collapsed Bristol Ferry Boat Company?

As a 42% shareholder in the now collapsed Bristol Ferry Boat Company perhaps the Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson, can explain why it seems to be registered to the Tobacco Factory?



One thought on “FERRY QUESTIONS #3

  1. PaulB

    After seeing the lamentable podcast of his Royal Trouserness at the recent Bristol City Council meeting discussing RPZ’s you can virtually channel his voice on these ferry questions –
    “I don’t get involved in petty details like this, I have to deal with the bigger picture”
    “I’m not an expert on these matters, I have little people to do the detail”
    “I’m not going to be accountable for anything”
    “nothing to see here, move along, la-la-la-la-la”


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