City council legal boss, SANJAY “UNDER” PRASHAR wants to threaten local people does he? That’s a two way street isn’t it? So let’s see how the dodgy little lawyer likes it up him.
According to the letter below, he’s got 48 hours to explain his legal threats before the material he’s desperately trying to conceal from the public to cover-up corruption, crime and wrongdoing at Bristol City Council goes into the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Such an outcome will be another personal humiliation for Sanjay. It would be the second time he’s issued EMPTY THREATS based on pseudo-legal lies to try and gag the public only to be ignored and ridiculed. Is anyone ever likely to believe a word he ever says if his gagging efforts flop again?
The soppy little wimp isn’t exactly projecting power and authority is he?
Don’t fuck with Phil may well be advice inducted into every new council employee henceforth …
Has Helen of Holland responded to these extraordinary revelations and the behaboit of lib dems on behalf of the labour party or is she afraid too ? I’ve heard she’s gone silent and deep
Too … Or in the parlance I’m sure a career politician like her royal highness would prefer FRIT.
I am disgusted by the behaviour of legal services towards the supporters of Ms Simmonite against the council. Freedom of speech is what makes this country great. Bristol City council have paid out nearly £890,000 in gagging orders over the last few years and continue to threaten anyone who wants to expose the truth about the lies in the council. I am not proud of our council. It has never been a pillar of integrity. I ts the people of Bristol who deserve the credit.
Anybody that knows me will know I will say it as it is, another interesting factor about this case is why when the decision was taken to bring legal action was Councillor Gary Hopkins being copied in on internal emails from the legal services department this is not common practise and could possibly be a beach of the Data Protection Act the most likely explanation is no one had the courage to stand up to this shit bag of a bully and refuse him copies