“The plebs should shut up and play frisbee while I piss public money away,” explains the Reverend Rees

To keep us entertained over the summer holidays, the Reverend Rees has done an interview with ‘Premier Christianity’, which, it says here, is “the UK’s leading Christian magazine”. Possibly not the hardest crown to claim in this day and age.

Among the Reverend’s fascinating insights, we find that “we live in a complicated world” and that his version of ‘levelling up’, Bojo’s hapless policy for the red wall constituencies, “actually makes sense“!

Further gems include the Reverend explaining his jobs-for-evangelical-mates policy. “What we’ve seen over recent years is the churches really beginning to step into city leadership, because I’ve offered that challenge,” he explains. Carefully sidestepping any job offers or cash that might have accompanied his “challenge”.

Your caring, sharing BRISTOLIAN even gets a mention. “You get your trolls,” whines the Reverend. “Some rag started to call me “Reverend Rees” and all that type of stuff and said I was trying to introduce a theocracy. But so much of that trolling stuff is such nonsense. It just washes over you.

Indeed. It’s washing over him so thoroughly, he makes a point of mentioning this “nonsense” in his keynote interview about his Christian faith.

He then continues letting it “wash over” in bizarre and considerable detail. “The way I see it is if there’s a 60-year-old man in his underpants late at night writing mean things to people on the internet, you just think: “What has your life come to?” [Laughs] I mean, you know, take up a hobby, pick up a frisbee, do something!

Something” like, maybe, swanking around the Council House in a spiv’s suit calling yourself a ‘City Leader’? Or bullying female councillors to boost your flagging ego and to hide your gross incompetence? Or awarding jobs and funds to your best mates, the all-male Hope Chapel Prayer Circle Loonies? Last seen in 2020 claiming their prayers had kept Covid levels low in Bristol.

Unfortunately we’re unable to confirm if the Reverend and his gang of boys in the evangelical band strip down to their kecks and play frisbee before they pray for us.

But the Reverend’s fertile imagination must find inspiration somewhere, surely?


  1. mad sid

    Marvin the chronically depressed, paranoid overpaid and pointless political prick has been in the media again.

    No surprise when you see his diary for July, meeting with Reach plc x 2, Lloyds plc, Western Harbour Execs. (translation- Cumberland Basin land grabbers-ed.) and a chummy call to the new but same Chief Cuntsable while not forgetting the unforgettable Cities of Tomorrow spectors.

    All can be seen in the failed one’s diary.
    For a change from hearing how
    Marvin has neglected SEND children his entire time as mayor we learn how he’s consistently either failed or chose to omit a proper and responsible track of how cash was distributed, despite his Yale education.
    Rees claims affordable housing being a priority, we all know – actions speak louder that his guilded words.
    This glaringly obvious career criminal Marvin is more interested in having his ego massaged than what the council auditors or indeed the public know.

    While Putin has the sense to investigate Navalny, Volkov and Zhdanov for criminal behaviour Marvin is down the gym, watching himself as he pumps iron rather than unselfishly using what God gave him, to repair dry stone walls while at the same time aiding the city’s budget.

    While Dove St. Estate and Vincent Close are under threat from Tommy Renchard and Rees & Co. the track record on so it housing IS criminal. The housing delivery board had not received regular updates on where the money was being dished out.

    Just like self obsessed Marvin, the public record was “not fit for purpose” auditors recorded.
    This was no kitty oversight while Marvin was the man on the telly.

    The public record is out of date for the entirety of Marvin’s control. NO record of wether the grants were awarded according to building regulations on fire safety, insulation, damp proof or disabled/child compatibility.

    The auditors did not pull any punches. They reported that there was NO certainty that the cash handed out “did not constitute over-compensation”. In other words CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR.

    Martin passes the buck til he can make a bolt for it. The more he can transfer the blame into angry cheated youth the better.

    Just like his bullying, criminal. informing father there is no place for narcissistic Marvin the stinking Reek.

  2. City Zen

    Next time he is in church, maybe Marvin should contemplate on how he gave the go ahead for police to use excessive force on College Green. Right in front of the city’s focal point for democracy, the Council House.

    Excessive force. Not my words but those chosen by a Parliamentary Inquiry into Bristol’s Kill the Bill protests. People demonstrating against threats made to their centuries old way of life – were condemned to what could qualify as torture.

    Marvin critically gave his consent to unleash state thugs. Under the cover of darkness, they demonstrated just what Marvin the bully, means when he talks of a diversity, equality or One City.

    Following the Inquiry it was found that there were significant failings. Despite these highly critical findings no-one has been held to account.

    It is clear a truly independent authority should look into this planned, sustained mental, physical and emotionally injury inflicting treatment.

    With this in mind an email to Nils Melzer would be in order.
    Nils Melzer is the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

  3. mean things

    With alarm I tried to make sense of Reverend Rees’ child like tweet. It was no good, I gave up. Way too many cartoon images and little content. But that was just cabinet makers Tommy gun Renard and surprisingly, Dong Alexander.

    Why surprisingly ?
    Because this publicity shoot was regarding planned Goram Homes in Locklease.

    Nothing to do with the city’s failed transport infrastructure. Would it not be good use of time if Dong stayed focused on fixing it ?
    But maybe they did’t want him around back in the office and sent him out on a day trip ?

    Although of even greater hilarity was the presence of little tommy gun. Having reportedly worked in Mental Health then tenants advocacy groups ACORN surely he’d have the future residents well being very much in mind. Apparently not. The grinning idiot once again, if found way out of his depth.

    Goram Homes, the Reverend’s blog makes a better stab at informing us, is putting the new development named Romney House, before the Planning Committee on 1st September.

    These so called affordable homes hide a ticking time bomb. By unbelievable ignorance, stupidity or both; Tom gun is sanctioning the homes be heated by air source heat pumps.
    Even central government is rowing back on this insane way of heating homes and not just because of the excessive drain on the national grid.
    Further reading,:-

    Electricity costs too high to make heat pumps worthwhile.

    Why heat pumps will raise your energy bill.

    German government warns of dangerous water pollution and health threat from heat pumps.

    The above three articles were all published this year and can be seen with relevant comments at :-

  4. subsidies are us

    Dip shit Darren ‘right-winger’ Jones has recently proven once again, he is a NOT a man of the people.
    This week he has been badgering greedy bollox, prime minterJohnson, to increase spending under the illusion of attaining Net Zero.
    Obviously dim wit dip shit hasn’t been doing his research.
    It is be becoming increasingly obviously that policy has been made on extremely selective evidence. All as a ruse to rip the hard earned cash from the tax payers pockets.
    Finally censorship is slipping. The religion of climate change is up for open discussion. Going going are the unfounded propaganda lies to the extent they’ve almost gone.
    Scientists are reporting findings that the SUN and NOT human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) maybe the main cause of warmer temperatures in recent decades.
    It’s taken some time to get through the tightly controlled main stream media.
    These recent findings sharply contradict the conclusions of the overly domineering United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
    Why the keen interest from shit dip ? Nothing to do with work whatsoever. Titles being simply masks to hide behind.
    Could it be because in the meantime a Mrs.Slip-on-Shit Jones wage is closely linked to the Net Zero farce ?
    Maybe ?
    She works for The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE).
    Conflict of interest ? Surely not !

  5. liar liar pants on fire

    The Reverend’s historically unlawful side kick Ashya Craig dodges meetings or telling the truth.
    Nothing unusual there you might say.
    In this case it may well be the future of Barton Hill’s Netham Park that is at stake.
    Instead of guarding and securing the future of this much used and enjoyed community green lung, in a hugely deprived inner city ward – Craig is eyeing up a new sports field.
    Who for ?
    Desperately needed school expansion is being drawn up for Barton Hill.
    Along the way public green space is now under threat.
    Just like Packers Field in Whitehall and other fields in Bristol, Craig is lining The Netham up, ready to hand it over to a new school, run by, you guessed it, the Merchant Vultures.

  6. Morris Van

    Quite where does Tom RENHARD Bristol City Councillor RESPONSIBLE for housing expect families LIVING in vans and caravans to live once mayor Marvin Rees evicts them from their site on Muller Road ?

    Has he learnt from past evictions and planned safe and appropriate accommodation ?
    Recalling Marvin Rees’ words he stated ONE LOVE and support for diverse communities.

    Where are the plans for provision of homes PRIOR to this announced eviction ?
    Because obviously chief administrator Reverend Rees and turn coat Runhard are only too aware of the forthcoming legislation and its disastrous consequences for van dwellers.

  7. ** STOP RESS **

    Vans and caravans moved off of the Muller Road site this afternoon. The shit proposed provision, suggested by the council’s grubby little messanger boy Runhard was refused.

  8. iwj

    Rees has written about van dwellers on his blog a couple of days ago.
    Also Helen ‘NOT A’ Gooodwin has return to the back trenches having succeeded nothing and over seen fuck up after fuck up.
    Who’s taking her place on Reverend Marvin’s choir ?
    Although some still insist on calling it a cabinet — LOL.


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