It hasn’t taken long for the Reverend Marvin Rees to fit snugly into the expensively tailored top pocket of his new £1k a day CAMBRIDGE EDUCATED PUBLIC SCHOOLBOY Chief Executive, Stephen “OAP” Hughes has it?
It’s like the pair are fronting some awful late night cable channel comedy show with nosediving ratings as they rollout more and more DISMAL AND INCOHERENT sketches on the theme of local authority cuts.
The clueless joined-at-the-hip municipal couple have so far proposed a 17 per cent council tax hike; sacking lollipop ladies; closing the libraries the Rev promised to keep open during his absurdist election campaign; cancelling buses; shutting community transport down; charging the disabled for parking spaces outside their homes; scrapping bus passes for carers; disposing of parks; stopping emergency payments to the poor; cutting early intervention to kids; closing elderly day centres; scrapping meals on wheels and charging sufferers of dementia more for their care.
This ANTI-HUMAN CRAP blatantly targeting the city’s MOST VULNERABLE for cuts are accompanied by what this laughable elitist duo call ‘BOLD IDEAS’. Bold ideas like proposing VOLUNTEERS run CORE SERVICES “to prevent them being removed” (anyone who fancies doing a bit of child protection social work in their spare time should give OAP Hughes a call on 0117 357 6155)! They will also have ‘A CONVERSATION’ about you paying more council tax and set up another talking shop (surely ‘task force’, ed.) about traffic congestion. Bold or wot?
When confronted on ITV News about this pile of public school-inspired horse shit and challenged to confirm that he was elected on an anti-austerity platform, The Reverend surprised the interviewer and, no doubt, many of his voters by saying “NO“!
Well, at least we’ve cleared that one up then. The reverend is officially a pro-austerity elitist. Presumably because the bonkers christian thinks it’s good for us?
Sounds very much like a range of options that no-one other than the sociopathic would choose in a million years (anything targeting the elderly / children / disabled) strategically placed alongside the ‘real’ choices (council tax hikes, a few library closures etc). In other words a bog-standard local authority ‘consultation’ which is designed to give the impression that a pre-determined option has in fact been rubber stamped by the public. That’s local democracy, folks!
You’ll note they’ve not included ‘not ploughing cash into a failing, unwanted bus project / film studio’ as options the list.