The council’s new racist Kulture Kommandant Genevieve “Klu Klux” Adkins has wasted no time foisting her white supremacist vision on the city.
You may recall our fragrant new council Head of Culture and Creative Industries told bemused staff back in August, “Black people don’t make or spend money. Why don’t you programme things for white people?”
So no surprises at the recent announcement that the Georgian House Museum on Great George Street is to close until next April. Many doubt, given the scale of cuts Adkins wants to make, that the museum will ever open again. A significant blow to the city.
The Georgian House, a reproduction of sugar plantation and slave owner’s home from around 1790, is the nearest thing we currently have in Bristol to a museum marking the city’s role in the slave trade.
What next from Adkins? Hopefully not much as she has been on leave for “personal reasons” since the Bristolian publicised her public racist outbursts.
Mussolini: would have been awarded a generous severance payment in 1943 from Bristol City Council HR
Is Bristol City Council developing a brand new severance policy especially for their racist bosses?
It looks like Genieve “Klu Klux” Adkins has been disappeared on long term leave for “personal reasons” following the Bristolian story earlier this week about her racist outbursts. Isn’t being told to stay at home while you’re investigated generally called ‘a suspension’ when you’re not a senior city council boss?
This ‘leave’ gives the dodgy Bristol City Council HR team, now under the guidance of council timeserver, Steph “Who?” Griffin, some time to work out what the hell to do with the racist nutter they’ve employed and to organise a generous settlement payment to quietly ease her out the door.
Given the council’s loud commitment to equalities, will this open the floodgates for similar actions? Have tired and fed up senior bosses secured a new route to getting enhanced redundancy payments and large undisclosed settlements?
All you seem to have to do is work for the authority for a least 3 months. Organise a meeting with staff and members of the public, ensuring that you have some black and Asian attendees, and then spout some incoherent racist nonsense to the startled audience. Bingo! The council will pay you to fuck off somewhere else with a settlement payment and an agreed reference saying how lovely you are with no mention that you’re a racist.
Gone are the days when gross misconduct could lead to dismissal. Instead you get a nice little holiday and a large wedge off the council taxpayer. Because, rest assured, this cost will come out of your council tax.
Knackered council workers are telling us that the council cannot afford to pay for services like libraries, parks, housing, museums, transport or social care and these will have to go or be sold.
But it’s not all bad and you, as a local resident can help. When the council put up your council tax to pay for this, there will not be any services left. So the ignorant council bosses you’re still paying for will not have a lot to actually manage any more. Instead they can have a nice little rest and work on devising their lucrative route out of the council courtesy of Steph Griffin and her poodle Human Resources Committee of councillors.
Don’t forget, keep working excessive hours until you drop and keep on paying your taxes while not being able to afford to put on your heating or have a pot noodle for Sunday lunch. We are all in this together (although some are a lot more together than others).
Can we wish Geniveve all the best for the future and her new job? Perhaps in Italy? Writing up Mussolini’s memoirs?
Another meeting of Bristol City Council’s Culture and Creative Industries Senior Leadership Team
You may not have met Genevieve “Klu Klux” Adkins yet. This dreadful posh type was brought in earlier this year from the University of Birmingham to head up Bristol City Council’s Culture and Creative Industries and destroy our museum service.
On 16 August at a meeting to discuss public programmes in our museums, she told gobsmacked staff, “Black people don’t make or spend money. Why don’t you programme things for white people?”
Then on 26 August, just in case any staff thought they weren’t dealing with a barmy racist, she told another meeting discussing targeting early years audiences, “It’s a shame Bristol has such a large Afro-Caribbean community. Asian families are much more concerned with children’s education and experiences than black families.”
We understand that the council has launched one of its slow and useless investigations into the conduct of this white highly paid senior boss. However, we also understand that, despite a supposed investigation into racism and therefore gross misconduct, Klu Klux Adkins has not been suspended as you might expect.
Paying a posh racist a small fortune to destroy our museum service – not rooting out blatant racism – is obviously the key leadership priority at Bristol City Council.