Opening salvo against that scabrous little Tory shit, housing boss, Hooper …

From: s-norman123@hotmail.co.uk
To: faircomment@bristol.gov.uk
CC: wayne.harvey@bristol.gov.uk; matthew.melias@bristol.gov.uk; sw1ne2001@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:14:48 +0000

On December 17 I received a letter, ‘Re: report of anti-social behaviour’ from Nick Hooper, Service Director, Housing Solutions and Crime Reduction. A copy of the letter is attached. An identical letter was sent to XXX XXXXXX.

The letter is partial, inaccurate and breaches my rights under Article 6 of the ECHR. I further believe that Hooper’s correspondence is a crude attempt to bully and harass me.

My specific concerns are:

  1. Hooper appears to have conducted some kind of investigation in to me, which I was unaware of and which I was not invited to take part in. I have been given no opportunity via Hooper’s ad hoc process to provide evidence nor cross examine the evidence of others. There therefore appears to have been a covert investigation in to me by Hooper who has then gone on to draw conclusions. This breaches natural justice and my rights under Article 6 of the ECHR while Hooper’s covert investigation also meets the definition of ‘directed surveillance’ under RIPA. Hooper’s failure to inform us of an investigation and involve us in his investigation is therefore unlawful.
  2. Hooper is a housing officer. He is neither a lawyer nor a police officer. He is therefore neither skilled nor qualified to undertake an investigation into potentially criminal matters. Hooper is acting beyond his limited powers.
  3. Hooper accuses me of “behave[ing] in an anti-social manner” and “disrupt[ing] a councillors’ surgery” but provides no supporting evidence to back up these claims. The statements are therefore defamatory, intended to bully and harass.
  4. Hooper has failed to follow your Code of Conduct for Investigations policy, which provides an easy to follow format to conduct, “Formal management investigations arising where managers request an issue to be investigated where that issue does not fall within one of the recognised policies”.
  5. I am concerned that as a candidate at the last election in Avonmouth, I have been the victim of political bias. Hooper’s letter has been written on behalf of a Conservative councillor for Avonmouth and is totally accepting of and biased to their point of view. Hooper’s post is politically restricted. This means not only should he not engage in party politics but that he needs to be seen to not be engaging in party politics

What I require:

1. Hooper to withdraw his letter and all the claims and accusations contained therein.

2. Hooper to write and apologise to me.

3. If you still wish to pursue this pointless matter, a proper investigation into the events of December 3 needs to take place that is conducted openly, fairly and according to your policies and the law by a suitably qualified and skilled practitioner.

Finally, I note that Hooper is a Service Director. Your complaints procedure states, “The manager responsible for the service will look into the concerns”. As the manager of the service, however, I do not expect to see Hooper investigating himself. I therefore request that a senior officer at a grade above Hooper look into our concerns. I’d be grateful if you could inform me, at the earliest opportunity, who this will be. Please note, I will expect this investigating officer to personally sign off their conclusions rather than dumping it on to an unsuspecting and disposable minion.

Kind regards,

Steven Norman

Tel: 0117 2398042
Mob: 07747490902



  1. Mark Davies

    Yes, it seriously beggars believe what these little fuckers are up to in Bristol City Council. They seem to think they are above the law – or a law unto themselves – not much difference really. I really hate these self-appointed nazis and their shitty way of treating people to prop up their own pathetic egos. We need to take them down. Next stop demo on college green before the next council meeting when these shits get together. Similar kind of shit is happening in Knowle – principally courtesy of the that fat fucker Gary fuckbucket Hopkins. I really hope he gets his well deserved come-uppance really soon. Perhaps a rubbish collection vehicle will career into him too – it would be a fitting end – rubbish meets rubbish – end of!

  2. budster

    Complaints are futile

    Complaint = I agree with the policy however it wasn’t performed by x correctly
    Claim = I am not bound by the policy, its implementation is trespass, x exceeded his jurisdiction.

    Never make a complaint you are allowing them jurisdiction over the matter, claim claim claim all the way and bring the matter under your jurisdiction a common law jurisdiction common law trumps statutes and policies of legal land everyday of the week.


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