Oliver latter Boomeco

Criminal polluter: Oliver “Bankrupt” Latter, ho!, ho!

Oh dearie me, seems times are very hard indeed for Oliver Latter’s criminal polluting waste firm, BOOMECO. For it seems the Avonmouth recycling firm that packages up waste and exports it to Sweden to be incinerated for a tasty fee from Bristol City Council is up for sale!

Meanwhile reports emerge that the firm procured by Mayor Rubbish just six months ago – after the snooty liar denied he intended to do any such thing – is on the verge of BANKRUPTCY. “There’s very little activity around their yard these days,” we’re assured.

Whether Latter will be able to offload his useless polluting firm that was fined £19k recently for infesting Avonmouth with flies and is also subject to a legal class action from 200 local residents over this issue is a moot point.

Our spies tell us that corporate giants BALFOUR BEATTY have already declined an offer to buy the firm and its expensive legal action. We also understand other Avonmouth firms, many with dubious clean air credentials themselves, are watching this class action unfold with increasing concern.

Watch this space …

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