Anti-Mayor? The Reverend Marv stands in front of an inverted cross in his council chamber as he starts to invert everything he promised and ever believed in.
Following the Reverend Rees’s laughable ‘First 100 Days‘ PR effort last week – where he revealed he’d done NOTHING except sit on his backside and appoint a few committees – our hapless new mayor today announced he intends to immediately SACK 1,000 council staff to balance the books.
This will effectively spell THE END of functioning local public services like adult care, social services, and youth services and is the polar opposite of what the Reverend promised just three months ago in his ambitious manifesto.
One member of the Reverend’s pissed off staff has kindly summed up the truth of this ABSURD PLAN for us:
“Just had a prick of a manager come down to basically say: no overtime, no more temps, working weekends for basic rates etc etc And all brought in by a cunt on a grand a day!”
Not much we can add to that.
The council’s unions, meanwhile, have come out with a pathetic response, proposing a USELESS four point plan that will make no difference whatsoever:
“Responding to today’s announcement by the council, the unions have come up with a four-point plan to stave off the worst effects of the planned cuts:
•Meaningful consultations on a plan to deliver quantifiable savings to deal with the current budget shortfall and future savings
•A review of the decisions behind the budget shortfall in the 2014-2017 period
•A review of consultancy, agency and casual contracts to ensure value for money from these contracts in future
•The mayor Marvin Rees to make representations to Whitehall on the state of local government finance and the impact on Bristol’s 450,000 population of these cuts.”
What will this achieve? “Representations to Whitehall” my arse.The Reverend Marvin and his union friends need to come out fighting. REJECT the cuts outright; REFUSE to put 1,000 Bristolians out of work and REFUSE to destroy our local services.
Tell Theresa May and her piss weak DIVIDED GOVERNMENT to stick their Tory cuts up their Tory arses; set a proper budget to deliver the services we need and invite the Tories to come to Bristol and try to stop us.
Let’s see if May’s poxy little shit stain of a failing government is strong enough to take on Bristol shall we?
Come on Marv. You’re not a yes-man pussy public sector bureaucrat any more. Time to be a politician. That’s what we elected you for.
I maintain that Marvin is a puppet, and I have seen nothing to disprove this.
The next 6 months will be very difficult for a lot of people in Bristol
That’s not an inverted cross. It’s a sword fuckwit.Get some glasses
your comments function is shit