Outsourcing of Bristol City Council Staff to Bristol Waste

 Via Bristol Branch of Unison

Around two-hundred Bristol City council staff will be transferring to the Teckal company Bristol Waste on 1 June (Bristolian Passim). UNISON remains wholly against it.

After failing to persuade the Labour administration not to go ahead with this, UNISON and the trades unions Unite and GMB have tried to persuade the two employers to adopt a position colloquially known as TUPE++. That is TUPE with further protections based on the protections they had previously enjoyed.

The employers have refused all our requests. The decision to not meet us half way or make any concessions at all pretty much sums up not just UNISON’s relationship with the employers but the other unions’ as well.
In previous statements we pointed out that ‘Terms and Conditions’ are only some of the rights held by staff and that other rights written into policies will not transfer. So we have just been told that the rights within the ‘Code of Practice on Investigations’ (if you remember the Greens tabled a question to full council about it recently) will not transfer to Bristol Waste. So the right (in black-and-white) to see evidence against you in an investigation before you are interviewed is removed.

The matrix for what you will and won’t receive is quite complicated and although we are not saying you won’t receive fairness at Bristol Waste, we can’t see any compensatory policy for our staff for the removal of such a right.

Nor will the sickness policy transfer. How many absences someone can have before being dismissed will be based on Bristol Waste and not BCC policy. The Bristol Waste policy is based on the’ Bradford Factor‘ which we don’t think has a very good reputation.

We have been accused of not knowing what we are talking about (even by the press) and we will take no pleasure in saying ‘we told you so’, which we expect to be saying often in the months to come.
We discussed ‘measures’ transferring to Bristol Waste and we failed to persuade them to make any changes at all. We agreed that Bristol Waste is ACAS compliant. but we see ACAS compliancy as an absolute minimum a civilised society should tolerate. We are dismayed to find that the powers-that-be find ACAS minimums to be satisfactory.
Our call to our members in cleaning to contact us has had very little response. We can’t go forward without consulting with you, so please get in touch if you want us to take action. Our response from security has been pretty good and we will be organising further action with you – if you give us your consent – in the future.

3 thoughts on “Outsourcing of Bristol City Council Staff to Bristol Waste

  1. Rod

    The resently selected City Council cabinet member for waste, must understand the advantages of a safe and contented work force.
    With this in mind, what has Labour’s Nicola Beech said regarding the above news report ?
    I’ve not seen anything in the local press.

  2. Rod

    Since Nicola refuses to explain this shody treatment of 200 working class council employees by the Labour Party then allow me.

    Marvin and Nicola wish to promote family and therefore community insecurity.
    How ? By promoting the ‘gig’ economy. This only benefits the employer and never the employees due to either no or else the bare minimum working condition agreements.

    Brought about by the digital economy via the Smart City set up. Installed by Perform Green Ltd. from Cheltenham. Just ask Service Director Patsy Mellor.

    We’ll ignore the obvious comments surrounding the use of vast amounts of electricity being far from the commonly held belief of what is ‘Green’.

    Lets continue instead with a bit more name dropping. Heard of Connected Places, Catapilla ? No ? Well they endorsed Perform Green.

    Not only that but the CEO of Connected Places is that crook Nicola Yates. Who when not ripping the city off was selling it through the Bristol is Open scam.

    All for profit and absoluteley NO security for the worker

  3. Rod

    That’s Yates who after her salary took Briz for 30 mill.

    Then came a bigger, greedier Yale schooled abomination.

    When parasites like these are at the helm; you’ll discover the reasons children with special needs/disabilites are not receiving the level of care and education they are entitled to.


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