Tag Archives: Harriet Bradley



The Reverend’s Labour Party continues to be a revolting SNAKEPIT of GRASSES and BACKSTABBERS out to get any Jeremy Corbyn supporter any way they can.

The latest victim of this vile tendency – that the Reverend makes no effort to stop – is Harriet “Dave Spart” Bradley, Labour councillor for Brislington West and one of the few OUTSPOKEN LEFT WINGERS in the Labour Group of councillors at City Hall.

We learn that Harriet was reported to the Labour Party Compliance Unit after publishing the following “ANTI-SEMITIC” tweet:

“#BackNECcode. Stand firm. Resist the Israeli state lobby”.

Alas, the Labour Party’s Compliance Unit declined to take the matter further and suspend Harriet, instead letting her off with a “WARNING“. Hardly surprising when what she published isn’t in the slightest bit anti-semitic by most people’s reckoning.

This isn’t the first time Harriet’s been GRASSED UP by Labour members unknown in Bristol. In 2016 she was suspended after she described Labour’s National Executive Committee as “TYRANTS” on Facebook in a response to their MASS SUSPENSION of members in the lead up to the Labour leadership election.

That suspension was later dropped without charges …