Tag Archives: Noise Pollution


Remember when Bristol City Council’s new Chief Executive, ‘the great communicator’, Mike “Billie Jean” Jackson was handed a “reasonably modest” pay rise of £2k in March?

A few months after promises that no such pay rise would be forthcoming when the Reverend’s bitch first got handed the lucrative new job in May 2020 without the fuss of going through a policy compliant recruitment or interview process.

Fast forward a year from this dodgy promotion and a report from the Local Government Ombudsman hits our inbox outlining “a serious failure in its corporate governance arrangements and oversight.” at Jackson’s council. This is due to a failure to implement agreed remedies for two separate complaints from 2019. One over waste collection and another about failures in a noise pollution complaint.

And Jackson himself was personally responsible for this latest city council corporate failure. The Ombudsman reports that Jackson ignored SEVEN items of correspondence from them sent between March and November 2020. In them he was asked to implement some simple remedies to the complaints from members of the public about the public services he’s directly responsible for. He ignored the letters and did nothing instead.

Paying £171,500 a year doesn’t buy you someone responds to their correspondence then?


The council run prosecution/VENDETTA against Misha Simmonite orgainsed by Gary “Fuckbucket” Hopkins has cost us council tax payers a cool £18k.

At a sentencing hearing last Wednesday council lawyers attempted to retrieve £27k in costs from Ms Simmonite only to be LAUGHED OUT OF COURT by magistrates who awarded them £9k costs instead.

That means the council tax payer has to pick the rest of this extortionate tab. These petty councillor-led vendettas are pricey aren’t they?

Council lawyers also failed to slap one of their notorious BENT ASBOS on Ms Simmonite at the hearing. An ASBO application by the council was also thrown out as it was DEEMED ILLEGAL by magistrates.

We’re told the council left the court very dejected.


‘No’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolour & crayon, 2013, guriben

‘No’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolour & crayon, 2013, guriben

More extraordinary scenes at BRISTOL MAGISTRATES COURT on Monday when the legendary #walrustrial recommenced after a Christmas break.

The trial, ostensibly a prosecution of a short let home – the MANSION HOUSE on Knowle Road, Totterdown – for noise pollution, has turned into something of a forensic analysis of the conduct of the city council’s environmental health department and especially the malign influence Councillor Gary “FUCKBUCKET” Hopkins seems to be able to exert over their work.

Monday saw more bad news for the council when an EXPERT WITNESS for the defence on noise pollution took the stand and DEMOLISHED the council’s utterly crap evidence based on lost log books and zero sound recordings.

This was followed by a BIZARRE summing up from the council’s barrister – paid handsomely by you, dear reader – in which she accused Andrew Forsey of the Mansion House of writing the BRISTOLIAN!

This is obviously a pile of evidence-free bullshit, which shows just how WEAK the council’s case is if they have to focus a prosecution for noise pollution on YER LOCAL SMITER rather than any evidence of, er … Actual noise!

The council barrister then went on to distance herself from her own star witness, Mansion House next door neighbour and RACIST Jonathan Ross. And then finished with a flourish by privately accusing the defence of “VINDICTIVENESS” after it transpired that an anonymous complaint had been made to the NSPCC and social services regarding Ross’s racist language towards a child.

Nice to see the city council speculating on the identity of ANONYMOUS complainants in respect of child SAFEGUARDING allegations don’t you think?

The magistrates then adjourned for three hours to consider a verdict only to return and announce they were unable to reach one and were therefore adjourning the court until 9 FEBRUARY.

Presumably buying themselves some time to work out a way to find the defendants GUILTY despite a key prosecution witness, council boss Mark Curtis admitting under oath that the whole prosecution was in fact a VENDETTA against the defendants and there being no evidence of noise pollution at the Mansion House at all!

Watch this space …


‘Kind But Still’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, ink and brush, 2013, Jeff from Bedminster

‘Kind But Still’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, ink and brush, 2013, Jeff from Bedminster

What was supposed to be the last day of the WALRUS TRIAL yesterday at Bristol Magistrates Court, where Councillor Gary “FUCKBUCKET” Hopkins has been personally intervening to have the GOTHIC MANSION and TOWN HOUSE (Bristolian passim) prosecuted for noise pollution, predictably descended into an expensive farce.

First, inept magistrates ruled that TWO defence witnesses, who may have confirmed the existence of a VENDETTA by Hopkins – already been exposed in open court by senior city council Environmental Health Officer Mark Curtis last week – could not take the stand. Bristol City Council then attempted to have another defence witness PROSECUTED for contempt of court for discussing the case on Twitter.

Following hours of legal argument and delay, the trial finally recommenced in the late afternoon and featured a defence witness, Ms X, who had stayed at the TOWN HOUSE. She revealed that not only did her group not make any noise during their stay as they had young children in bed by 9.00pm but that the council’s star witness, JOHNATHAN ROSS of KNOWLE ROAD, was a RACIST who had HARASSED her during her stay.

Ms X revealed that this scumbag Ross, an associate of Fuckbucket’s and a serial complainer about noise to a receptive council, constantly banged on their door one evening to complain about the noise from a film on DVD they were watching. The next day Ross called her mixed race son a “MONKEY” and a “GOLLIWOG” in the street. The following evening he was once again complaining. This time about the noise generated from music from an Ipod dock.

Ross is quite transparently an offensive and deluded nutter. Just the man to get in to supply hearsay evidence for Hopkins and his crew of bent council officers then!

An already shaky prosecution is now in crisis. Having ‘lost’ TWO logbooks recording alleged incidences of noise at the Town House and having installed sound equipment that revealed NO EVIDENCE of any noise at the house at all, the council is now totally reliant on the kind of evidence supplied by a known RACIST and OBSESSIVE, Ross.

Due to the massive delays yesterday, the trial now has been adjourned until 12 January next year. How much this is costing the council taxpayer is anyone’s guess. But we’ve been assured a figure of £50k is not unrealistic.