How many HR managers does it take to create a shortlist for a Director of Homes and Landlord Services at coolly efficient and agile Bristol City Council? Er, four!
The selection meeting notice for the post sent to councillors listed four HR bosses as attending, including the ridiculously thick and useless HR director duo of John ‘Bedwetter’ Walsh and Mark “Bashar” Williams. They’re accompanied by their underlings Celia “Hopefully not a Relation?” Williams and James “Betty” Brereton, presumably in case any reading of long words or adding up is required from an HR director?
Also at the meeting are no less than two council lawyers, the Head of Democratic Engagement and regeneration bald eagle Stephen “Preening” Peacock. All these staff to advise a small committee of five councillors?
When the council is looking to make £20m of cuts later this year, perhaps they should start by cutting the three extra HR bosses and the spare lawyer sat about at meetings before they start further wrecking our frontline services?