Tag Archives: Sims Metal


Dipshit Daz: paints nails while Avonmouth suffers

Meanwhile, rookie Labour MP for Bristol Northwest, Darren “Dipshit” Jones weaves his own idiot spell around the Sims Metal plant. News reaches us that Darren Dipshit has written in SUPPORT of Sims’s request for a change of license to a waste transfer station so that “improvements” can be made.

Alas, it seems, Dipshit Daz, the eagle-eyed lawyer, approved the plan without reading the application properly! As the change of use allows Sims to EXPAND operations and, no doubt, increase the explosions and pollution already raining down on the boghoppers of Avonmouth.

What a surprise! This loudmouth Euro fanatic is more in favour of strong regulation of polluting industry in theory on election leaflets than in practice in Avonmouth.



Disquiet in Avonmouth after it’s revealed that their two idiot Labour councillors Donald “Lenin” Alexander and Jo “Stupid Hippy” Sergeant, have met in SECRET with corporate polluters Sims Metal, based at the Port of Bristol.

Both councillors are refusing to divulge any information about their meeting with a business that’s notorious for systematically IGNORING regulators’ instructions as well as being a site of regular and inexplicable explosions.

An FoI request reveals this mystery meeting had no agenda and no minutes were taken. Conveniently leaving no audit trail for future reference. This has created to a lot of SUSPICION in the village. Why did senior representatives of a serial polluter’s REGULATORY BODY have a secret meeting with the polluter? What happened? Were used banknotes exchanged? How would we know?

Stupid Hippy

Perhaps we should keep a careful eye on Lenin and Hippy’s holiday destinations next year? Will they be sunning themselves somewhere especially exotic while kids in Avonmouth get to stay home and be EXPOSED to carcinogens and the RISK of lung disease due to an ineptly regulated business?

Maybe this pair of hopeless councillors should take advice from their own council on matters

of CORRUPTION and how to avoid legitimate accusations of it? “All workers are required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of the Bribery Act 2010,” they’re advised. But perhaps this pair are too important to follow their own advice?


Although, at least, Lenin and Hippy aren’t quite as bent as Avonmouth’s former Tory councillor, Wayne “Dumb” Harvey, who managed, for a couple of years, to be a non-executive director of the Port of Bristol Company on behalf of Bristol City Council while also being an EMPLOYEE of the company!

No doubt, in the corridors of power at the Counts Louse the nonces running the place consider this a gold standard in independent company oversight? Although anyone in the real world would know Harvey had a BLATANT conflict of interest and it would be impossible for him to oversee, at board level, the running of a business that employed him at a junior level.

BristolCity Council’s latest non-executive director overseeing the Port of Bristol is our friend Green Councillor Stephen Clarke. He currently seems too busy running a small but profitable property empire and evicting vulnerably housed young people to worry about CORPORATE POLLUTERS in Avonmouth.

Plus ca change.


Our old friend, that hopeless fuckwit of a public sector lawyer, Bristol City Council legal boss SANJAY “UNDER” PRASHAR, has been busy spending your money on a proper lawyer.

So he’s now issuing threats to councillors in order to stop them learning more about the open corruption washing around their organisation:

From: Sanjay Prashar <sanjay.prashar@bristol.gov.uk>
To: Gus Hoyt <gus.hoyt@bristol.gov.uk>; Rob Telford <rob.telford@bristol.gov.uk>; Wayne Harvey <wayne.harvey@bristol.gov.uk>; Matthew Melias <matthew.melias@bristol.gov.uk>; Colin Smith <Colin.Smith@bristol.gov.uk>; Mark Bradshaw <mark.bradshaw@bristol.gov.uk>; Tim Malnick <tim.malnick@bristol.gov.uk>; Daniella Radice <daniella.radice@bristol.gov.uk>; Kevin Quartley <kevin.quartley@bristol.gov.uk>; Richard Eddy <richard.eddy@bristol.gov.uk>; Mike Wollacott <Mike.Wollacott@bristol.gov.uk>; Mike Langley <mike.langley@bristol.gov.uk>; Jackie Norman <jackie.norman@bristol.gov.uk>; Rhian Greaves <rhian.greaves@bristol.gov.uk>; Alex Woodman <Alex.Woodman@bristol.gov.uk>; Mark Wright <mark.wright@bristol.gov.uk>; Charles Lucas <charles.lucas@bristol.gov.uk>; Barbara Janke <barbara.janke@bristol.gov.uk>; Christian Martin <christian.martin@bristol.gov.uk>; Simon Cook <simon.cook@bristol.gov.uk>; Neil Harrison <Neil.Harrison@bristol.gov.uk>; Anthony Negus <Anthony.Negus@bristol.gov.uk>; Afzal Shah <afzal.shah@bristol.gov.uk>; Faruk Choudhury <Faruk.Choudhury@bristol.gov.uk>; Mhairi Threlfall <mhairi.threlfall@bristol.gov.uk>; “‘darren@darren-jones.co.uk‘” <darren@darren-jones.co.uk>; Mahmadur Khan <mahmadur.khan@bristol.gov.uk>; Christopher Jackson <christopher.jackson@bristol.gov.uk>; Jeff Lovell <Jeff.Lovell@bristol.gov.uk>; Lesley Alexander <lesley.alexander@bristol.gov.uk>; William Payne <bill.payne@bristol.gov.uk>; Naomi Rylatt <naomi.rylatt@bristol.gov.uk>; Mark Brain <mark.brain@bristol.gov.uk>; Chris Windows <Chris.Windows@bristol.gov.uk>; Mark Weston <mark.weston@bristol.gov.uk>; Barry Clark <barry.clark@bristol.gov.uk>; Michael Frost <michael.frost@bristol.gov.uk>; Glenise Morgan <Glenise.Morgan@bristol.gov.uk>; Clare Campion-Smith <clare.campion-smith@bristol.gov.uk>; Phil Hanby <phil.hanby@bristol.gov.uk>; Noreen Daniels <noreen.daniels@bristol.gov.uk>; Claire Hiscott <claire.hiscott@bristol.gov.uk>; Olly MEAD <olly.mead@bristol.gov.uk>; Tim Leaman <Tim.Leaman@bristol.gov.uk>; Jason Budd <jason.budd@bristol.gov.uk>; Gary Hopkins <gary.hopkins@bristol.gov.uk>; Councillor Christopher Davies <christopher.davies@bristol.gov.uk>; Margaret Hickman <marg.hickman@bristol.gov.uk>; Hibaq Jama <hibaq.jama@bristol.gov.uk>; Estella Tincknell <estella.tincknell@bristol.gov.uk>; Gill Kirk <gill.kirk@bristol.gov.uk>; Fi Hance <Fi.Hance@bristol.gov.uk>; Martin Fodor <martin.fodor@bristol.gov.uk>; Jenny Smith <jenny.smith@bristol.gov.uk>; Brenda Massey <brenda.massey@bristol.gov.uk>; Sean Beynon <Sean.Beynon@bristol.gov.uk>; Charlie Bolton <charlie.bolton@bristol.gov.uk>; Steve Pearce <s.pearce@bristol.gov.uk>; Fabian Breckels <Fabian.Breckels@bristol.gov.uk>; Ron Stone <ron.stone@bristol.gov.uk>; Sue Milestone <sue.milestone@bristol.gov.uk>; Jay Jethwa <Jay.Jethwa@bristol.gov.uk>; David (Cllr.) Morris <david.morris@bristol.gov.uk>; Peter Abraham <peter.abraham@bristol.gov.uk>; John Goulandris <john.goulandris@bristol.gov.uk>; Geoffrey Gollop <geoffrey.gollop@bristol.gov.uk>; Alastair Watson <Alastair.Watson@bristol.gov.uk>; Helen Holland <helen.holland@bristol.gov.uk>; Timothy Kent <tim.kent@bristol.gov.uk>; Mark Bailey <mark.bailey@bristol.gov.uk>; Sam Mongon <sam.mongon@bristol.gov.uk>; Tracey Morgan <tracey.morgan@bristol.gov.uk>; “‘steve@bristolukip.org‘” <steve@bristolukip.org>; “‘sw1ne2001@yahoo.co.uk‘” <sw1ne2001@yahoo.co.uk>; Nick Hooper <nick.hooper@bristol.gov.uk>
Cc: Shahzia Daya <shahzia.daya@bristol.gov.uk>; Alison Comley <alison.comley@bristol.gov.uk>
Sent: Friday, 16 January 2015, 18:10
Subject: Important information from the Monitoring Officer of Bristol City Council

Dear Councillors and Officers and others copied into this email,

Please read this email immediately and in full, it contains important information that you must know

I am writing to you because on about 14 January 2015  you received or were copied in to an email with a subject line beginning “The shit finally hits the fan…” from somebody identified as Phil.

If you have read the email you will understand why I am not re-sending it to you myself and why I would not encourage anybody else to repeat statements that may well be  within the scope of the law of defamation.

The email included, among other things, the following threat:

“I will be attaching to a subsequent email, which you and the other councillors should receive within the next 48 hours, the un-redacted minutes of the ASBO meetings…”

I am writing to let you know that the documents referred to in that threat are almost certainly subject to confidentiality under section 17 of the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996.  It is a criminal contempt contrary to section 18 of that act for a person knowingly to use or disclose an object or information recorded in it if the use or disclosure is contrary to section 17.  I am therefore writing to you to ensure you are aware that, should you receive a future email from ‘Phil’ my advice is that you should not open it, nor any of its attachments and under no circumstances should you forward them to any other person or make any use of them or the information within them. The penalty for contravention of section 18 is a £5,000 fine and/or being committed to custody for a specified period of up to 6 months if convicted in a magistrates court.  If convicted in the Crown court the specified period of custody and/or fine are unlimited.

I understand that those emails will provoke interest but I am sure you appreciate that it is not appropriate for those of you that are elected members to be operationally concerned in any criminal cases. We will not be able to discuss the case with any of you at this stage following the advice of Senior Counsel, not least because the case is ongoing.  The police are aware of the ‘Phil’ email.


Sanjay Prashar
Service Director Legal and Democratic Services
Parkview Office Campus
PO Box 3176
Bristol City Council
Bristol BS3 9FS

DX: 7827 Bristol

Tel: 0117 92 22839
E mail: Sanjay.Prashar@bristol.gov.uk

Meanwhile, as usual, thicko Prashar has demonstrated his inability to operate an email account’s ‘reply’ function and has already received a reply from, er, a member of the public to his threatening tosh intended for councillors’ eyes only.

A member of the public, coincidentally, that’s been threatened with one of these bent ASBOs that Bristol City Council apparently specialises in and is keen to cover up:

To: Sanjay Prashar <sanjay.prashar@bristol.gov.uk>, Gus Hoyt <gus.hoyt@bristol.gov.uk>, Rob Telford <rob.telford@bristol.gov.uk>, Wayne Harvey <wayne.harvey@bristol.gov.uk>, Matthew Melias <matthew.melias@bristol.gov.uk>, Colin Smith <Colin.Smith@bristol.gov.uk>, Mark Bradshaw <mark.bradshaw@bristol.gov.uk>, Tim Malnick <tim.malnick@bristol.gov.uk>, Daniella Radice <daniella.radice@bristol.gov.uk>, Kevin Quartley <kevin.quartley@bristol.gov.uk>, Richard Eddy <richard.eddy@bristol.gov.uk>, Mike Wollacott <Mike.Wollacott@bristol.gov.uk>, Mike Langley <mike.langley@bristol.gov.uk>, Jackie Norman <jackie.norman@bristol.gov.uk>, Rhian Greaves <rhian.greaves@bristol.gov.uk>, Alex Woodman <Alex.Woodman@bristol.gov.uk>, Mark Wright <mark.wright@bristol.gov.uk>, Charles Lucas <charles.lucas@bristol.gov.uk>, Barbara Janke <barbara.janke@bristol.gov.uk>, Christian Martin <christian.martin@bristol.gov.uk>, Simon Cook <simon.cook@bristol.gov.uk>, Neil Harrison <Neil.Harrison@bristol.gov.uk>, Anthony Negus <Anthony.Negus@bristol.gov.uk>, Afzal Shah <afzal.shah@bristol.gov.uk>, Faruk Choudhury <Faruk.Choudhury@bristol.gov.uk>, Mhairi Threlfall <mhairi.threlfall@bristol.gov.uk>, “darren@darren-jones.co.uk” <darren@darren-jones.co.uk>, Mahmadur Khan <mahmadur.khan@bristol.gov.uk>, Christopher Jackson <christopher.jackson@bristol.gov.uk>, Jeff Lovell <Jeff.Lovell@bristol.gov.uk>, Lesley Alexander <lesley.alexander@bristol.gov.uk>, William Payne <bill.payne@bristol.gov.uk>, Naomi Rylatt <naomi.rylatt@bristol.gov.uk>, Mark Brain <mark.brain@bristol.gov.uk>, Chris Windows <Chris.Windows@bristol.gov.uk>, Mark Weston <mark.weston@bristol.gov.uk>, Barry Clark <barry.clark@bristol.gov.uk>, Michael Frost <michael.frost@bristol.gov.uk>, Glenise Morgan <Glenise.Morgan@bristol.gov.uk>, Clare Campion-Smith <clare.campion-smith@bristol.gov.uk>, Phil Hanby <phil.hanby@bristol.gov.uk>, Noreen Daniels <noreen.daniels@bristol.gov.uk>, Claire Hiscott <claire.hiscott@bristol.gov.uk>, Olly MEAD <olly.mead@bristol.gov.uk>, Tim Leaman <Tim.Leaman@bristol.gov.uk>, Jason Budd <jason.budd@bristol.gov.uk>, Gary Hopkins <gary.hopkins@bristol.gov.uk>, Councillor Christopher Davies <christopher.davies@bristol.gov.uk>, Margaret Hickman <marg.hickman@bristol.gov.uk>, Hibaq Jama <hibaq.jama@bristol.gov.uk>, Estella Tincknell <estella.tincknell@bristol.gov.uk>, Gill Kirk <gill.kirk@bristol.gov.uk>, Fi Hance <Fi.Hance@bristol.gov.uk>, Martin Fodor <martin.fodor@bristol.gov.uk>, Jenny Smith <jenny.smith@bristol.gov.uk>, Brenda Massey <brenda.massey@bristol.gov.uk>, Sean Beynon <Sean.Beynon@bristol.gov.uk>, Charlie Bolton <charlie.bolton@bristol.gov.uk>, Steve Pearce <s.pearce@bristol.gov.uk>, Fabian Breckels <Fabian.Breckels@bristol.gov.uk>, Ron Stone <ron.stone@bristol.gov.uk>, Sue Milestone <sue.milestone@bristol.gov.uk>, Jay Jethwa <Jay.Jethwa@bristol.gov.uk>, “David (Cllr.) Morris” <david.morris@bristol.gov.uk>, Peter Abraham <peter.abraham@bristol.gov.uk>, John Goulandris <john.goulandris@bristol.gov.uk>, Geoffrey Gollop <geoffrey.gollop@bristol.gov.uk>, Alastair Watson <Alastair.Watson@bristol.gov.uk>, Helen Holland <helen.holland@bristol.gov.uk>, Timothy Kent <tim.kent@bristol.gov.uk>, Mark Bailey <mark.bailey@bristol.gov.uk>, Sam Mongon <sam.mongon@bristol.gov.uk>, Tracey Morgan <tracey.morgan@bristol.gov.uk>, “steve@bristolukip.org” <steve@bristolukip.org>, Nick Hooper <nick.hooper@bristol.gov.uk>
Cc: Shahzia Daya <shahzia.daya@bristol.gov.uk>, Alison Comley <alison.comley@bristol.gov.uk>, “louis.emanuel@b-nm.co.uk” <louis.emanuel@b-nm.co.uk>, “The Bristolian .” <bristoliannews@googlemail.com>, “steve@mediafocusuk.com” <steve@mediafocusuk.com>, “donna@avmedia.tv” <donna@avmedia.tv>, Martin Jones <martin.jones1@bbc.co.uk>

Sanjay, I am indeed pleased that you have identified yourself as director of legal services for BCC. I’d like an answer from you as to why BCC are in breach of their duties to serve a noise abatement notice on Sims Metal Management based out of Avonmouth docks for multiple breaches of the law. I have asked many of your colleagues in the senior team but not one will actually give a straight answer.

George Ferguson, Gus Hoyte, Arnold Miller and Mark Curtis  and many members of the executive are aware of the issues in Avonmouth and have been for significantly longer than the two or so years BCC have failed to serve the abatement notice as per your legal and lawful duties. Senior officers have been pointed at the legislation, have the evidence that could be used in court and have somehow managed to avoid doing their jobs for a significant amount of time.

To be clear, BCC are breaking the law and you in your official public position  are now given formal notice of these issues; I require you to provide me with detail of how BCC are to rectify the disparity and a timescale for doing so.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the same officers involved in serving and enforcing the abatement notice against Ms Simmonite are the same officers (and unit head) that stated they would not prosecute a case against Sims. We can also discuss the Port of Bristol themselves, Boomeco, Churngold, A&A Recycling, Stobarts Biomass, the grain collective and many other organisations breaking the law day in and day out with the assurance from Arnold Miller’s team via George and the top team of mafia Cllrs with their fingers in lots of pies.

There is corruption at the heart of BCC, touching Cllrs and senior officers alike and we have the proof that officers and Cllrs have proceeded in a manner that could be construed as Misfeasance, Malfeasance and or Nonfeasance in a public office, I believe if Sue Mountstevens were to investigate we might even see a few more rapid retirements with gagging clauses and heavens above perhaps a few collars felt; an auspicious day it would be indeed.

What are you going to do now Sanjay, throw some more public money at threatening me like your colleague Mr Hooper did because I dared ask Cllr Harvey why BCC are supporting large, profitable business interests (that just happen to be based on land owned by Merchant friends of George and his employer) to break the law but prosecuting small businesses that just happen not to be friends of George because another Cllr seems to have a problem with successful women that just happen to own property that rests on prime development land?

You will not bury this story, might be time to do some work rather than advising Cllrs on how to avoid getting caught for buying council houses on the cheap




‘Meat Zeppelin’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolours, 2013, @guriben

‘Meat Zeppelin’, Councillor Gary Hopkins, watercolours, 2013, @guriben

BRISTOL City Council boss, Senior Environmental Health Officer, MARK ‘BUNGLE’ CURTIS displays an interesting approach to his enforcement work.

Up in leafy Knowle he’s been showing zero tolerance to noise pollution, slapping a noise abatement notice on the so-called TOWN HOUSE, a business hiring out a large house for family gatherings. They also run the GOTHIC MANSION on Redcatch Road, which has recently been refused retrospective planning permission because of just one verified complaint and lots and lots of hearsay evidence.

Indeed, so enthusiastic is Bungle to prevent pollution in the leafy south Bristol suburb many neighbours of the Town House and the Gothic Mansion claim to have never heard any noise from either place at all!

However this hasn’t stopped the local councillor, GARY ‘FUCKBUCKET’ HOPKINS, who resides a long way from either house on the other side of Redcatch Park, from running a one man campaign against the business via his regular excruciating assault on the English language, the Lib Dem Focus leaflet for Knowle.

The few local supporters FUCKBUCKET has managed to recruit to his campaign also display similar signs of mental disorder towards both the Town House and the Gothic Mansion. One neighbour, when visited by the owners of the nearby mansion to discuss any problems, opened his door and announced, “I have dealings with LANDVEST,” and promptly shut the door again.

Why would anyone care if this neighbour has dealings with Landvest? A PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY registered in the Isle of Man, presumably for tax reasons, who recently built a load of executive homes on land next to the Gothic Mansion on the site of the old St Peters cancer hospice.

It’s also reputed that Landvest got the land despite bidding £150k less for it than a local consortium headed by that old friend of The BRISTOLIAN, Bristol Labour leader HRH Helen of Holland.

So far, so murky. But now we hear that pollution control man BUNGLE, having issued the paperwork to get the Town House in court and fine them in the region of £140k for noise is now backing out and getting the council’s legal team to settle out-of-court.

Why would that be? Does Bungle not want these local witnesses with “dealings with Landvest” and his ‘evidence’ – all of which is based on his ‘trained ear’ rather than from certified audio reports from the calibrated equipment he has access to – cross-examined in court?

This is a strange – and expensive – turn of events when you consider the council will happily settle the case if the defendants agree to cover their own legal costs. Thus dumping us, the council taxpayer, with a large bill for the legal costs BUNGLE and FUCKBUCKET have run up over their weird Knowle NOISE OBSESSION.

Meanwhile, over in the working class suburb of AVONMOUTH, we find Bungle taking a very different approach to enforcement when there’s no obsessive Lib Dem councillor with an agenda; no shady property firm in the background; lots of certified audio reports from calibrated equipment and a set of very credible witnesses able to back up their claims and itching for action.

The SIMS METAL plant at Avonmouth docks has been, since at least 2010, the subject of literally hundreds of RECORDED COMPLAINTS for noise and dust pollution. While whistleblowers have come forward and stated that noise and dust suppression equipment has not been used at the plant for years, apparently with the full knowledge of the plant’s regulators Bristol City Council and the Environment Agency.

However, the council boss responsible, BUNGLE, has done NOTHING whatsoever about the plant. It seems, in this case, Bungle popping down for a friendly chat over a cuppa and a slice of cake every now and then with the wealthy businessmen in charge is all that’s needed.

This informal, light-touch approach seems to be backed by BUNGLE’s employers, Avonmouth Tory councillors WAYNE “DEE” HARVEY and MATTHEW “DUM” MELIAS who are happy to tell any complainants crap such as, “it’s none of your business you’ve only lived here four years” and our favourite response to this major public health threat – “you just have to put up with it”.

It’s enough to make you wonder what drives and influences Bungle’s regulatory decisions isn’t it? It’s not witnesses or evidence that’s for sure.