Tag Archives: Tents



Another good kicking and a bloody nose for the vile shower of useless cowards who call themselves “senior leaders” at Bristol City Council.

A few months ago these Nazis decided to DECLARE WAR on the city’s homeless and cooked up a ruse, from the comfort of their 5-bed executive homes in the leafy suburbs, to target tent dwellers in parks for eviction.

The gang of lazy parasites then decided that the perfect people to harass and bully the vulnerable out of their homes on their behalf were the PARKS MAINTENANCE CREWS who you occasionally see cutting grass and generally maintaining our parks. A meeting between the lads and “senior leaders” was hastily assembled and the vicious plan explained.

“As you’re there on the ground, you can hand these tent dwellers a little note from the council telling them to leave,” trilled a glorious city council leader.

“No we can’t,” piped up a voice.

“I beg your pardon?”

“We won’t do that. It’s not our job. It’s not in our contracts. We’re not doing that. Do it yourselves.”


“You see what you’ve got to understand is we hate working for the council now.”


“You’ve scrapped our overtime which for some people made up half their wages. We can’t take vans home no more so we’ve had to buy vehicles. We only work here cos we’re waiting for our pensions.”


“And if we had the chance we’d like to burn the council house down with the mayor, the councillors and all the top bosses in it.”

Cue nervous eyebrow raising and gobsmacked expressions from the brave “senior leaders” followed by an extremely hasty and inelegant RUSH FOR THE DOOR. A few minutes later the middle management pansies of the parks department – who should never have let their bosses demand their crews do this dirty work for them in the first place – entered the room, broke up the meeting and sent the lads BACK TO WORK.

And, er, that’s it. Parks maintenance crews aren’t evicting tent dwellers from parks and senior bosses had to fuck off elsewhere at the council to find some mugs prepared to BULLY and HARASS the vulnerable and homeless for them.

 Up the workers!


A report in the Nazi Post on 29 January announced that the homeless have been FORCED to pitch tents on Rosemary Green, just by Greenbank Cemetery. Not only was this an EYESORE for the hordes of wealthy hipsters in the area but, screamed the Post in an attempt to dial-up further controversy, the homeless had set their tents up next to a ‘WAR MEMORIAL’.

How disrespectful, setting up tents by a memorial for our fallen heroes in wars. However, some basic RESEARCH revealed this ‘war memorial’ was actually a memorial to 4,000+ paupers who DIED in the now demolished Eastville workhouse. All died of POVERTY and NEGLECT in the workhouse and were dumped in UNMARKED GRAVES.

A few years ago, local historians wrote a book detailing the CRIMES of this workhouse and then raised funds for a MEMORIAL to these people who had been FORGOTTEN. So historians and locals were scratching their collective heads at references to a “war memorial” in Greenbank Cemetery. Concluding that it was either more CRAP JOURNALISM or, maybe, the Nazi Post is recognising a “CLASS WAR MEMORIAL“? Whatever the case, all references to a “war memorial” have now been disappeared from the newspaper. Funny that.

Busy spouting the usual blather from Mr Angry, the Nazi Post missed THE REAL STORY here. This memorial to the workhouse was about people who DIED due to a system that CRIMINALISED POVERTY. People who could not work – like the old, infirm, those with learning difficulties or, even, those who suffered industrial accidents – were dumped in workhouses. Families were split up and the able-bodied poor were set to work undertaking MINDLESS TASKS.

Food was cheap and INADEQUATE and the regime BRUTAL. The theory of our Victorian CITY LEADERS was that if people were treated harshly, they would stop being poor. No, we’re not taking the piss, that’s the size of it.

Before burying those that died from CHRONIC neglect and starvation, the Church of England came down and consecrated ground on Rosemary green for the burial of the workhouse dead. Not once but three times at £50 a pop. Enough money to feed all of the incarcerates well for a year. But at least their bodies were safe … Er, not bleeding likely.

Most were DUG UP by a JCB in 1972, taken to Avon View cemetery and DUMPED in a hole without any marking. Historians are still trying to get the CofE to pay for a headstone at Avon View but getting the BISHOP OF BRISTOL to give a shit about anyone that’s not a wealthy creep or a Merchant Venturer is like getting blood out of a stone.

Today, with austerity cuts, ‘CITY LEADERS’ won’t be building any workhouses, feeding the poor gruel or dumping their bodies in MASS UNMARKED GRAVES with the CofE’s support. Instead, the homeless and destitute are left to crawl off to a tent or a shop doorway and FUCKING DIE. As long as the shoppers or commuters don’t have to look at them, there’s not a problem.

But you better look at them, because YOU COULD BE NEXT. A workplace accident, divorce or a death in the family could see you reduced to LIVING IN A TENT in Bristol – as long as the council don’t nick it off you, of course. That’s the reality of Bristol today. The benefits system is INADEQUATE and support services are COLLAPSING due to a lack funds. The inhumanity must stop. Surely the media and everyone else need to stop demonising the homeless and poor and have a pop at those who put them there, innit?

We don’t want historians writing books about the cruelty of today’s city leaders while people build memorials to our dead homeless in a hundred years do we?