Monthly Archives: June 2014


Former local news presenter GRAHAM ‘COMPULSIVE’ PURCHES is, by most people’s reckoning, an irritating twerp who needs to shut up and learn some manners -but not for awe-struck council managers.

Purches, who was big and going places at the BBC in the “golden age” of the 70s and 80s when the corporation was a playground for paedophiles and rapists, has for years been running a truly OBNOXIOUS CAMPAIGN against er, Elmlea Primary School in snooty Stoke Bishop, which his posh £600k home happens to overlook.

Purches – whose ascent to media stardom stalled somewhat when Beeb bosses sidelined him, leading him to jump ship to HTV – made the national news in 2012 thanks to his fixation on silencing kids. The washed-up newsreader fixed a massive sign to his house in full view of Elmlea’s playground, reading: ‘Please do not allow the children to scream or shout near our home. Thank you.’

Purches has also TERRORISED staff and children at the school with a strimmer and a leaf blower, and even reported the head for attempted murder – after she drove down the street when he was walking his dog!

Enter Bristol City Council and its interim Manager NEIL TAYLOR, who recently went to visit Mr Purches to sort it all out.

And what did he do? Tell the old fool to shut up? Suggest he move, perhaps? Er, not quite. No, our intrepid Man From Shitty Hall agreed to spend £30,000 OF OUR MONEY on a six metre acoustic fence so that poor Purches wouldn’t be disturbed by vicious infants!

Does this mean that any resident bordering a school who has an issue with noise will be able to claim a £30,000 fence from the council? Or is this a special privilege reserved for posh BBC types living in Stoke Bishop?

I think we should be told…


The BRISTOLIAN has already broken news on how BUNGLING BOSSES in a desperate attempt to save money have cut services to the vulnerable.

As we reported in issue #4.11, council chiefs inappropriately lumped together elderly people suffering with dementia with adults with learning difficulties, some of whom have challenging behavior and can be violent. Then they actually SLASHED STAFFING LEVELS. The result? People are already being hurt, and the needs of service users are not being met. But that’s not the end of it.

The two muppets responsible for all this, senior Social Care bosses Sheena ‘Grim Reaper’ Huggins and Vareta ‘Mad Dog’ Bryan, have now turned their attention to the BUSH RESIDENTIAL UNIT.

A respite centre for children with learning difficulties who otherwise live at home, Bush provides an essential service by giving parents the short but much-needed break they often need when caring for kids with complex needs. Its highly-trained staff are well-respected and professional and can look after the children’s physical, social and emotional needs. Excellent facilities include a sensory room, computer facilities, a large garden, trampoline, swings and bicycles.

So what are ‘Grim Reaper’ Huggins and ‘Mad Dog’ Bryan going to do? Protect funding for Bush? Commend the hard-working staff ? Work with parents to ensure the security of the service? No – they plan to CUT THE SERVICE BY ONE-HALF.

If parents lose this service, some will have to put their children into residential care, which will cost the council a whole lot more than the £250K these DEMENTED MANAGERS think they are going to save.

Parents were only given a couple of hours notice of a meeting to discuss the plans, despite managers knowing full well that these caring parents find it difficult to drop everything to come to a meeting.

The council now refuses to talk properly to the parents – mainly because they know their plans are barking mad and dangerous.

Meanwhile, ‘Mad Dog’ is getting a tasty redundancy package of TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS. Suitable reward for devastating the lives of families in need?

And the poor sods who are working in these conditions are running for the exit, which will lead to more dangerous conditions for staff and service users.

Don’t let them get away with it. These managers should be held fully accountable for their decisions, the cost to our city and the destroyed lives. When will they stop? When they finally kill someone?



AS the 2014 World Cup gets underway in Brazil, the nearest to the authentic ‘Festival de Futebol’ vibe most people in Bristol get is hoping the rain, hail and thunderstorms hold off for long enough to sip a cold beer while they watch a match or two on telly.

But that’s not good enough for two enterprising directors at Bristol City Council, who have managed to wangle themselves a trip to a certain South American country on a ‘FACT FINDING MISSION’ – complete with £900 SPENDING MONEY courtesy of your good selves!

What ‘facts’ the as-yet unnamed piss-takers – who rake in average salaries of around £85,000 – expect to ‘find’ on their ‘mission’ to Brazil, entirely coincidentally at the same time as the World Cup, is not yet clear.

But rest assured, The BRISTOLIAN will make it our business to enquire with them on your behalf…


Pissed off Avonmouth residents, who have been subjected  dangerous pollution and public health hazards from the port, have started a campaign of direct action against BRISTOL PORT COMPANY.

Meanwhile the city’s business, political and bureaucratic elites have closed ranks around the MERCHANT VENTURER owned big business to suppress the truth about the port’s activities.

Residents have been complaining for years now about dust from the port, some of which is potentially carcinogenic wood dust from biomass stored on the dock and some is metal dust from the SIMS METAL MANAGEMENT PLANT containing LEAD, CADMIUM and ARSENIC.

More recently, over the last month or so, residents have been subjected to a plague of flies that has been traced to waste being exported by local company BOOMECO. The company’s boss OLIVER ‘TWATTER’ LATTER has verbally admitted responsibility for the infestation but is refusing to pay residents the small cost of fumigating their homes.

Meanwhile the two regulatory bodies, THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY for the Port and the CITY COUNCIL for public health matters relating to its residents are passing the buck to each other and effectively washing their hands of the matter.

avonmouth protest

It also has come to light in recent weeks that the city council has secretly authorized the storage in the open air of ‘bottom ash’ on land they own at the port just a few hundred metres from people’s homes. This ash is what’s left after waste is incinerated and residents say, “literally anything could be in this waste, including TOXIC AND RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL from stuff like hospital waste. It’s obviously a danger to public health so near to our homes”.

Residents held their first demo at the port on Friday 30 May and they promise they’ll be going “on tour” throughout the summer until the authorities start doing their job and looking after them rather than poisoning them.

A resident says, “the time for tea and biscuits with these people is over. Direct action has moved us more forward in one week rather than the three years we have been trying to resolve things.

“I’m up for embarrassing the politicians and Councillors and giving glorious George and cuddly Augustus a bloody nose every time they appear spouting their false ‘green’ agenda.”

NEWS RELEASE: Avonmouth samba against the dust tomorrow


Why not join the residents of Avonmouth and the BBC Points West team at Avonmouth Park for a Brazilian samba-style protest against pollution at the Port of Bristol docks tomorrow?

The fun kicks off at 12 noon when Avonmouth residents will gather to party down to the port gates where a cruise liner is due to berth on the morning tide and leave on the evening tide.

A representative from the Avonmouth Dust Forum says, “we have an opportunity to bring our plight peacefully to the attention of a wider audience and highlight the lack of concern and abuse of the law being shown by Bristol City Council, the hopeless regulatory authorities and the Port of Bristol Company.”

The forum also say, “to all those organizations that are monitoring the Avonmouth Dust Forum: we would much rather be sat at a negotiating table trying find a sensible workable resolution and we extend an offer to the Port of Bristol Company and Bristol City Council to contact us with solutions. If no such contact is made our peaceful campaign of direct action will continue.”

Out now: ‘FLYMAGEDDON!’: the new Avonmouth movie:



This morning protestors from Avonmouth fronted out George Ferguson as he attended the opening of four new wind turbines in the area.

George’s ‘eco car’ was stopped at the gates to the site by pickets demanding action by the so-called ‘green’ Mayor over continuing pollution and fly infestations from companies operating in the Port area. As one resident stated on this site:

Our little village is inundated with the stench that emanates from the sewage works. We have more ‘Waste Recycling Plants’ dotted around Avonmouth than is healthy. We have food waste composting plants, where the contents of all of Bristol’s little brown bins end up (together with all the fly larvae), and rubbish compacting plants that serve most if not all of Bristol. And now we have to suffer ‘biomass’ that is going to make the fly invasion even worse.

I blame Mr Ferguson and the whole of the Bristol Council. It is they that give planning permission to allow companies to operate and pollute people who live in the locality. Over the years they have tried to kill the area with chemical waste. Now we have to live like people in third world countries, with the stench of raw sewage. Blankets of dust covering the area. Explosions rattling the windows and then inundated with plagues of flies. We all pay Council Tax in and around Avonmouth, the same as the rest of the Bristol Area. WHAT DO WE GET BACK for that money?

Ferguson’s response today was to offer nothing new, defend his clueless ‘green assistant’ Gus Hoyt and to state to the protestors, “You being on the streets will not affect me, you can stay on the streets.”

The Avonmouth residents gratefully accepted his invitation and were then told by the Mayor that they “had a political agenda'”

“If protecting your health and that of your children is having a political agenda,” said one, “then we are political and bring it on.”

Ferguson then left in his ‘eco-mobile’ to return to the safer and less-polluted streets of gentrified Southville. How ironic for Ferguson and the middle-class ‘greens’ who attended the TRIODOS funded ‘Wind Turbine Open Day’ to be faced by protestors who are fighting for real green issues, that is their immediate health and well-being, which is being damaged by the expanding ‘green capitalism’ of mass recycling and bio-mass plants in Avonmouth, the dumping ground of Bristol.

As for the ‘green’ Mayor…my arse.


Looks like Mayor Fergo and his sidekick Green Gusset have caved in to demands by angry locals in Avonmouth that Bristol City Council step up and resolve the FLY INFESTATION caused by incompetent biomass profiteers BoomEco – with fumigation and insecticides being made available to those affected from tomorrow.

To book your visit from the pest control crew or to pick up some fly spray/paper, just pop in to the library, or contact your local councillor – that’s Wayne Harvey (07769 131 094) and Matthew Melias.

So well done on everyone up there dockside for fighting the good fight – and keep up the pressure!

In the meantime, here’s a video of last weekend’s protest…



After Friday’s demonstration and the on-going PLAGUE OF FLIES, there was a packed out Avonmouth Neighbourhood Forum last night. The regular meeting is known to locals as the ‘dust forum’, because it usually involves discussing shitty clouds of some description blowing over the Docks boundaries into Avonmouth Village and the surrounding areas.

Assistant Mayor Gus Hoyt was handed down the task to deal with these issues months ago by the Mayor on behalf of the City Council, but has since denied responsibility and failed to turn up. The Environment Agency were nowhere to be seen and many residents pointed out if they’re partly responsible why the fuck weren’t they invited?

Boomeco the company responsible for the fly infestation had their Managing Director Oliver ‘ever so sorry’ Latter there. Conservative MP Charlotte ‘Bacardi’ Leslie and two Tory councillors were there along with Sue Turner director of communications at the port.

The meeting began with Oliver Latter standing in front of the packed community centre looking like he’d SHAT HIMSELF, saying he was very sorry and he’s clearing up his mess as we speak. But the community were unrelenting in their questioning ‘WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT OUR SIDE OF THE FENCE?’  They also invited him to stay the night in one of their houses saying he could have ‘flies on toast for breakfast’. Latter he refused to take up any of the community’s suggestions of acts of goodwill, like distributing free fly spray or fly strips that residents have been forking out for. The company could easily afford this, but if they did, they’d be in a way accepting responsibility before the Environment Agency proceedings come to an end.

Charlotte Leslie tried her smarmy best to appear reasonable and also defuse the anger aimed at The Port Company and Boomeco. However one resident shouted from the back of the room ‘£28,000 quid’, the amount that the Port Company recently donated to Tory Leslie and she (illegally) failed to declare to Parliament. Another ‘cash for questions’ scandal in the making?

Sue Turner from the Port also received her share of the justified abuse after saying ‘we have a legally bound obligation to allow all Ships to dock’, but people heckled that ‘doesn’t mean they can dump unsafe crap in the open air’ in Avonmouth. Tory Councillor Wayne Harvey who works at the Port played confused and told everyone to ‘keep letting us know when we slip up’ to keep talking and emailing in, to which one resident asked ‘if they’d get paid part of his wages for doing part of his job for him?’

All of the speakers arrogance shone through by trying to tell residents that other incidents of pollution weren’t on the agenda and not relevant. But of course they are relevant because they’ve been through it all before with a million other companies in Avonmouth, and people are sick to the teeth. And as a speaker said this ‘couldn’t happen up Sneyd Park’; because Avonmouth isn’t rich it gets ignored over and over again.

These Scumbag companies that have operated out of the port over the years that have shat on Avonmouth, whilst making tons of money off of the people who work for them and profiting from the health problems caused, are pushing residents to the edge once more.

So in summary The Tories, The Port company and Boomeco played pass the blame, enjoying when residents were directing their anger at absentees the Environment Agency or Ferguson and Hoyt.

How Boomeco and the Port can stand there whilst residents talk emotively about their children getting pneumonia, respiratory problems and cooking in fly infested kitchens and give people nothing but the promise of another meeting is shameful. These new companies at the port are replacing old technologies with supposed new ‘green’ ones that are doing just as much harm to residents health as before and sticking ‘eco’ in your name isn’t going to cut it.

The community won’t accept just another meeting; there was talk of more demonstrations and direct action as the meeting was wrapping up. Watch this space