Category Archives: News

Juicy tales of corruption and stupidity from across Bristol


Wind turbines
These would look lovely on the Downs

Labour’s Southmead councillor and cabinet member for climate change stuff, working class man of the people, Kye “The” Dudd, has another shit idea in the pipeline that will dump on a working class community.

“With the Local Plan review, we’re looking at allocations in the Avonmouth area for wind turbines,” he blustered at the Nazi Post recently.

“Within our boundaries, that’s probably the best option. There are other options outside our boundaries, but obviously that’s not for us to decide.

Not strictly true. “Probably the best option” within Bristol is the Merchant Venturer-managed Downs, which have the best wind patterns in the city. How about the comfortably well-off posh of Clifton and Stoke Bishop lead on our climate emergency commitments for once and host a few wind turbines?

A direct challenge to the wealthy and influential of the city that great big pussy and bootlicker of the wealthy, The Dudd, is way too scared to pursue.


This month from the What Do They Know website:

Dear Bristol City Council, I’ve seen evidence that the mayor’s office are using Whatsapp for council business, despite the guidance on doing so.

This information falls under the parameters of the Freedom of Information Act and must be disclosed.

Please provide all Whatsapp messages sent between chief of staff to the Mayor of Bristol as an employee of Bristol City Council and all paid staff of Goram Homes, and directors of Goram Homes. I would like to see all Whatsapp messages for the last two months.

I remind the council that ALL whatsapp messages are subject to the Act whether from Council-owned phones and phone numbers, or personal phones and phone numbers if the business relates to Council.

As I have seen evidence that Whatsapp is being used I don’t expect a reply saying this information isn’t held.

Yours faithfully –

And the response …

Dear –

Freedom of Information Act 2000

This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Bristol City Council does not hold information falling within the scope of your request.

Your case has been closed as of today’s date.


High pay

It’s that time of year when we have to endure the laughable bullshit that is Bristol City Council’s Pay Policy. A wholly misleading yearly statement on high pay for the council’s useless boss class.

This year we’re invited to admire how the ratio of the lowest paid on a minimum wage to the highest paid, allegedly the Chief Exec (without including his generous pension contribution), has fallen to 8.93:1 from 9.26:1 last year. Conveniently below the council’s arbitrary target  of 10:1.

However – as usual – the maths is faulty. A glance at last year’s Statement of Accounts reveals that the highest paid boss was Juliet Blackburn Consulting Ltd,  Director of Adults Transformation, who trousered a cool £30,932 a month. Or £371,184 a year making a highest to lowest paid pay ratio of, er, 17.7:1.

Other lottery winners courtesy of our council tax include congenital idiot Nikki Beardmore, a Communication & Engagement Director, who had to struggle through the cost of living crisis on around £200k a year, and Alan Layton, Head of Financial Planning, who trousered £240k a year pro rata.

Trebles all round!


A thick American in Bristol

Before the Reverend’s empty-headed State of City effort got underway, the event was interrupted by protestors against forced animal swim tests at the University.

Up front at the time was tedious know-all and obscure historian of the Renaissance, Evelyn “Rockerfeller” Welch, the university’s vice-chancellor, imported from the US to sell us their right wing bollocks.

“It’s not enough to have a banner. You need to make interventions that make lives better,” shrieked the snooty old fool at protestors as they were roughly ejected by her hired thugs.

Er, maybe this alleged expert historian should check out some local history before publicly sounding off? In 1989, when animal rights protestors decided on an intervention beyond waving banners, they tried to blow up the university’s Senate House!

Is Evelyn promoting terrorism?


Gissa job

October: and another hectoring ‘State of the City’ lecture delivered from the University of Bristol’s snooty Wills Memorial Building shithouse by the Reverend Rees as he finally nears that door marked ‘for god’s sake go’.

Nothing much new worth reporting really. Relentless boasting; tedious homilies on ‘leadership’; ill-disguised paranoid and embittered ranting at the latest set of perceived enemies; the ego-inflated right wing economic ramblings we’ve suffered for over seven years now; narcissistic claims about his ‘global leadership’ role and a lecture to the rest of the city’s politicians about his ‘corporate concrete will cure climate change’ approach.

He will not be missed by many.


St Philip's Bridge, Bristol 01
Air on sale

Bristol City Council’s latest brilliant business wheeze is to buy, er, fresh air off royalty!

A decision sneaked out under the cover of darkness explains, “the council must pay the Crown Estate (TCE) for the Right of Air being granted over TCE land in order to provide the St Philips Footbridge connection between Temple Island and Albert Road.”

Yes, you read that correctly. We’re paying Tampon Charlie for the use of  fresh air in St Philips. The deal is that we pay the super-wealthy king an ‘air space levy’ of £117,500 plus costs. This, we’re assured, comes at a fifty per cent discount. What a deal!

We’ll be paying Merchant Venturers for our water next … Oh hang on …


Eddy Golly
Hard to think of a caption that does this idiot display justice

Dribbling Tory councillor for the Redcatch Development Partnership, Richard “Bunter”, Eddy recently featured in the pages of the Nazi Post denying he was a vagina!

The freak show chair of the council’s Planning Committee ‘A’ has had a few problems recently following the ‘bewildering reversal’, by his committee, of their refusal of planning permission for the horrific over-redevelopment of Broadwalk Shopping Centre.

While defending himself from what appears to be the reasonable observation that he’s another bent Tory fucker too close to wealthy property development interests, Eddy explained, “I make no excuse for being a real Bristolian rather than a pouncy (sic) humourless Leftie.”

‘Pouncy,’ we’re reliably informed, is a slang term for ‘vagina’. So it seems the idiot councillor is helpfully clearing up any confusion there may be among the public between local Tories and women’s genitalia.

Out of decorum, we’ll avoid the obvious cunt gag.


Traffic lights

Ridiculous council bosses, marking their own homework again, recently awarded themselves a green ‘RAG’ rating in a report presented to councillors. The report claimed, with a straight face, that they were ‘on track’ for delivering improvements for children with SEND!

Not a view necessarily shared by service users. One, @chopsy, even popped down to a scrutiny committee to tell councillors exactly what she thought about the drivel they were cheerily signing off. Here’s how she concluded:

“Colour your little box in Green and feel all pleased with yourself. But your Send system in Bristol is shambolic. It’s practically a hate crime against the city’s young disabled population. It’s vindictive, unlawful and reacts with spite, actively aiming to harm children and families.”

If that gets a green rating from bosses, what would it take to get a red rating?


Colston statue J
Colston statue with ‘PRICK’ written in large blue letters

The final stretch of a dull and useless mayoralty, finds the Reverend looking at ‘legacy’ beyond the ugly tall buildings and failing public services he’s created.

How about Edward Colston? The slave trader his creative industries ‘advisers’ urged him not to waste ‘political capital’ on when he came into office in 2016?

Rees has now rustled up £250k to pay a fancy London agency to design a long term Colston display for the city’s museum. Presumably because his museum staff won’t come up with anything referential enough for a self-important mayor?

The ego is landing …


Polling station


The Bristolian newswire reveals that grim Green Tory Councillor for Clifton, Paula “Mickey” O’Rourke has withdrawn her celebrated resignation and will stand again next year as the posh ward’s greenwash candidate for business as usual.

Is this a plan to attempt to bring some centrist discipline to any Greens thinking about introducing any genuine left wing policies at Bristol City Council next year?

A suspicion not allayed by news that Mickey will be joined as a Clifton candidate by the Cotswold’s finest, Jerome “Unhinged” Thomas, an Oxbridge prat who quit as Green Clifton councillor in 2021 to spend more time with his property portfolio.

Jerome has been known to announce from the comfort of his million pound Clifton gaff that “we need a radical and changed approach to how we live in the world”.

We certainly do Jerome. Where shall we start?


Confirmation arrives of the number of candidates each of the four largest parties stood in local elections across the South West in May. Tories were ahead with 677 candidates covering 92 per cent of seats, down from 96 per cent four years ago. The Lib  Dems were on 581, 79 per cent, up from 74 per cent.

Labour had 348 candidates, 47 per cent, 6 per cent down. While the Greens were close to overtaking Labour, challenging in 329 seats, 45 per cent, up from 33 per cent. Rumours suggest Labour, despite riding high in the polls, are struggling to find candidates for elections in Bristol.

Are there no dishonest centrist authoritarian bastards lacking a moral compass out there in Bristol West?