Tag Archives: 2016


Marvin DodoClaims by birdwatchers in South Bristol that they’ve spotted a rare example of the LESSER TRUSTED REES in the Hartcliffe area have been debunked by experts.

“There were a couple of sightings of the Lesser Trusted Rees back in autumn 2012 in south Bristol,” explained our man at the RSPB, “but these were due to a seasonal appearance of a large flock of RED VOTE GRABBERS in the low lying Ashton Vale area, which the Rees can hide behind.

“South Bristol is not the Rees’s natural habitat. They tend to be intimidated by RED-TROUSERED ALBATROSSES in Bedminster/Southville and by resident COOTS in the Hartcliffe area. They much prefer the sunny uplands of the North and West of the city among  the Great Gentrifying Geese, Wealthy Plovers and Peecee Warblers.

“Since we’re not anticipating the reappearance of any Red Vote Grabbers until early spring, it’s unlikely a Lesser Trusted Rees would appear before that. Although, even then, we doubt any Reeses would venture as far south as Hartcliffe.”

The RSPB does anticipate a busy spring of other bird rarities in south Bristol, however. These may include a strong showing of Yellow Sitting Ducks, an annoying gaggle of Green Tits and the odd Tory Twat.


abdul_1Mayor George is certainly racking up support among the city’s FAILED POLITICIANS. Joining the Greens’ Darren “BUGGER” Hall in supporting Mayor Crap for another term in 2016 is Lib Dem Abdul “Wannabe” Malik.

Malik was briefly a councillor in Easton 2005 – 2009 when he lobbied hard and FAILED to get nominated for the post of Lord Mayor. He then went on to LOSE a number of council elections in Easton before LOSING AGAIN in this year’s general election in Bristol East.

Malik has told the NAZI POST and Ferguson’s in-house website BRISTOL 24/7 (twice!), “as a businessman, I can see firsthand the benefits that the Mayor is bringing to Bristol.”

Well, it’s certainly nice to hear that wealthy local businessmen are benefiting from Mayor Backhanders’ regime even if disabled children in need of respite care aren’t.

The Lib Dems are now in the process of throwing this disloyal twat out of their party we understand.


darren prat








Darren “Bugger” Hall, the Green’s ECO-LOONEY candidate for Bristol West at the last general election, continues to impress.

The nakedly ambitious Southville-based enviro-thickie with the overblown ego is supposed to be the Green party’s national home affairs spokesman. But now he’s decided he’s backing MAYOR BACKSCRATCH, not his Green Party, in next year’s mayoral election!

Or, at least, that’s what he told the Nazi Post’s political smear merchant, Ian “SMELLY” Onions via a mystery press release. Bugger Hall told the sleazeball, “I want to accelerate our progress to a low carbon economy in 2020 and see the Green Party WORKING WITH THE MAYOR to make Bristol the city we know it can be.”

Although Hall did go on to say, “I am a Green Party supporter and member, and IN THE LONG TERM I’d like to see a Green Mayor running Bristol.”

When might that ‘LONG TERM’ be then Darren? 2020 by any chance? When Hall could bravely and unselfishly step forward as the Green candidate with the full support of his mate, outgoing Mayor Backscratch, as the continuity candidate?

Following the publication of his self-serving, me-first, fuck-you announcement and a subsequent and wholly predictable outcry from his party, Bugger Hall was desperately REVERSING THE FERRET and firing off an urgent “clarification” to the Post.

“The Green Party will be standing a candidate for Mayor of Bristol. If I were voting in Bristol next May, it is that candidate who would receive my first preference vote,” blustered the fool. Before going on to explain he would be helping ‘make Bristol the city we know it can be’ by moving to North Somerset imminently where he wouldn’t be able to vote for a mayor anyway!

Oh dear. This must be one of, not only, the shortest political careers in the city’s history but one of the most inept. Is it even as much as nine months since LIB DEM VOTER Bugger Hall’s ego joined the Greens just to grab that winnable Bristol West parliamentary seat he went on to spectacularly lose?


marvin martin

Labour’s Marvin “LUTHER” Rees, now officially selected as their mayoral candidate, continues to inhabit his own personal alternative universe.

One of the first to congratulate Luther Rees on getting selected as Labour’s mayoral candidate was SIMON WOOLLEY at Operation Black Vote (OBV), a quango that’s dedicated to getting black people to run in elections.

Naturally Woolley is thrilled at Luther’s selection and bangs on about “a true story of tenacity, inner strength and determination to win against the odds” and claims that Luther is “ON THE THRESHOLD OF MAKING HISTORY”. As if Bristolians will elect some random equal opportunities manager as mayor just so that he can achieve his personal ambition and “make history”!

Even more bizarrely Woolley claims that Luther, after the last mayoral election in 2012, was “bitterly disappointed not least because of the attempted SMEARING OF HIS CHARACTER” and then claims Luther “NARROWLY LOST OUT to the sitting Independent Mayor George Ferguson”.

This is not making history. This is MAKING UP HISTORY. Luther, the favourite to win in 2012, was hammered out of sight after running an uninspired, safety first, lacklustre,pro-business campaign aimed firmly at appeasing the city’s business community and managed by a bunch of anonymous middle class arseholes at Labour’s regional office in Swindon.

A campaign that PISSED OFF and PISSED ON many of our city’s most influential social movements. Who are, on paper, his natural constituency. He was NEVER the victim of any smears either. He’s made this up and it may be self-defeating. Doesn’t the self-styled leadership expert not realise people want a strong character to run the city not some whining, poor-me victim?

Another emerging problem for Luther Rees, expensively trained in ‘leadership’ in the US, is that he’s basically a US DEMOCRAT and not an English social democrat let alone a democratic socialist. His last campaign was therefore built on a US-style big business and corporate agenda.

His wholesale and flat-footed support for the crap BRT TRANSPORT SYSTEM and Bristol City FC’s GREENBELT STADIUM PLAN with associated supermarkets and corporate retail sheds at the cost of established communities in South Bristol cost him dear. As did his REFUSAL to challenge austerity in any coherent form and unequivocally back our public services and public realm against cuts and privatisation.

The question now is whether Luther Rees will repeat all of these errors all over again? Already we’re seeing worrying signs. Like an INABILITY to view the city except through the prism of his own limited personal experience, much of it in the US; his SILENCE on grassroots campaigns such as saving the Bush respite centre; RUNNING AWAY from the press when they ask a tricky question; FEAR of any person or group who isn’t wealthy, a personal mate or a member of the Labour Party; an UNHEALTHY OBSESSION with ‘leadership’ and the REFUSAL to condemn right wing austerity economics outright.

What possible reason would people have to vote for Luther Rees over Ferguson when they share an agenda aimed at the comfortable middle classes and keeping business happy?

Both are so similar that we’re effectively being offered a sad little beauty contest run by crap Labour spin doctors.


mattbakerA semi-regular series on the ‘chequered history’ of the mayor’s new spin doctor, MATT “PAGE 3” BAKER, former bag-carrier and sleaze slinger for Labour’s hugely entertaining MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk.

Oh dear. It’s a full blown scandal!

It’s goes from bad to worse for Mayor Cock Up and his new spin doctor, Matt “Page 3” Baker.

It was revealed last night on the BBC’s North West Tonight news show that a Labour councillor in Rochdale who has been SMEARED AS A PAEDO by Baker will be starting legal action for lbel against him next week!

See this legal threat in all its glory. Just follow this link: BBC North West Tonight – Baker paedo smear story and the fun starts at about 8 minutes in.

We understand Baker has spent the last three days and a considerable part of his fee from Mayor Gullible trying to stop this being broadcast. Tragically he failed!

We also understand that while Baker told Rochdale Online last week he had “no recollection or record of sending this email [smearing a Labour colleague as a paedo]”, Baker has now claimed to a BBC reporter that his email account must have been “hacked”!

What will his tall story be next week?


mattbakerA semi-regular series on the ‘chequered history’ of the mayor’s new spin doctor, MATT “PAGE 3” BAKER, former bag-carrier and sleaze slinger for Labour’s hugely entertaining MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk.

Your caring, sharing, sleuthing BRISTOLIAN has managed to track down some information on the fake internet accounts run by Mayor Sleazeball’s new spin doctor, MATT “PAGE 3” BAKER when he was employed by Rochdale MP, SIMON DANCZUK.

It seems Baker and Danczuk first met when working on The Big Issue In The North in the late 90s. Danczuk left to set up VISION TWENTYONE, a social research company, with RUTH TURNER who went on to be Tony Blair’s director of government relations and the chair of his Faith Foundation.

The company, which specialised in using government cash to set up citizens juries to come up with ways of improving communities, went tits-up when the Labour government cash finally dried up in 2012 OWING £222,000. Danczuk is quoted as describing his business flop as, “a difficult experience but I’ve learned a lot of lessons from it.”

So that’s all right then.

Baker, meanwhile, went to work at MANCHESTER BUSINESS SCHOOL until the pair became reacquainted in 2007 when Danczuk was selected as Labour PPC for Rochdale and Baker started working for him.  Although it’s unclear whether Baker was also working for the Business School at the same time. Efforts to establish his period of employment there are currently ongoing.

The BRISTOLIAN’s been told that even in 2007, “most of Matt Baker’s activities for Danczuk seem to have centred on the press and on ‘BLACK OPS.’”

Indeed, Baker was forced to admit that one particularly virulent contributor to the popular ROCHDALE ONLINE forum, a ‘MR PHIL SEDGLEY’, was in fact him! He was also using several other PSEUDONYMS  to attack opponents both within and outside the Labour Party. While actual people in the Labour Party were often bemused when challenged over letters to the press that had appeared in their name that they clearly had no knowledge of!

Then there was ‘RUTH LUGER’, who was especially nasty.  This turned out to be the wife of his boss at the Business School and it’s almost certain that he wasn’t just using her name but also her account.

When Baker was confronted on the phone about ‘Ruth Luger’ he’s alleged to have BURST INTO TEARS and begged that it didn’t go any further because he was sure he would get the sack and he had just become a father!  No action to stop Baker appears to have been taken.

During the general election campaign in 2010, Baker turned more attention to the local press.  He invented several names for himself with which to bombard the Rochdale Observer and others with stories and letters.  Among the names he was forced to admit were actually him were ‘SEAN CAIRNS’, ‘WILLIAM RILEY’ and ‘HARRY RUSH’!

He is also suspected of using many more fake identities. They all ‘lived’ in properties that were either empty or didn’t exist at all and he was able to get away with it because the papers only published a road name rather than a number. All these MADE-UP letters and stories attacked opponents rather than supported his own candidate.

At the time Baker was living in neighbouring CALDER VALLEY and he had also become the campaign manager for one of the candidates in the Labour selection battle there. This started turning nasty too.  Baker was assumed to be behind much of the poison that had been injected into proceedings and was quite often turned away from Labour Party meetings.

The names he was using to write to the ROCHDALE OBSERVER even started to appear in the HALIFAX EVENING COURIER. Again, always attacking opponents.

So with Baker now installed in the hot seat in Bristol and running his campaign, it’s pretty clear what type of campaign we can expect from Mayor Smear isn’t it?


George Ferguson leafletHurrah! George’s first mayoral campaign leaflet has appeared on the streets.

No doubt it’s been really carefully thought through by his dodgy new spin doctor MATT “PAGE 3” Baker so it looks exactly like something from the Green Party?

“Do you want a career politician running Bristol taking orders from a party leader in London?” it asks.

Er, no we don’t Matt, you huge plonker. But neither do we want a career politician running Bristol taking orders from a BENT NEW LABOUR SPIN DOCTOR from Rochdale, thanks.


mattbakerA semi-regular series on the ‘chequered history’ of the mayor’s new spin doctor, MATT “PAGE 3” BAKER, former bag-carrier and sleaze slinger for Labour’s hugely entertaining MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk.

Apparently needing to top-up his paltry MPs salary of £67,060 plus generous expenses, Baker’s former  boss, Simon Danczuk, bagged himself a lucrative NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR gig back in 2013 when Shine Bid Services paid him £1,000 for a couple of days work a month over about 6 months. This salary works out at a very tasty £125k a year pro rata, considerably more than the majority of his Rochdale constituents could expect to earn.

Shine Bid Services help unnamed clients secure funding – usually from government agencies – and they make a big deal of the fact their name NEVER appears on any bid. “We are the back stage assistants,” gushes their website, “shying away from the spotlight to ensure you are always the star of the show.”

Which is all very convenient for an MP keen to sell their influence but keep any of the gory details away from prying eyes. Because, while Danczuk declared  in his Parliamentary Register of Interests that he worked for Shine Bid Services, he DID NOT MENTION any clients he represented or helped get government contracts or funding for.

Of more interest to us in Bristol, where the Baker’s pitched up, is the fact that, Danczuk had two staff registered with the House of Commons authorities with Parliamentary passes and access in 2013. One of them was Matt Baker (based in the North West not Westminster) who on his own Register of Interests made a NIL RETURN.

This is rather odd as Baker’s partner Margaret Quinn works for, er, Shine Bid Services!

So it was all very cosy in Rochdale wasn’t it? Let’s just hope Baker hasn’t brought these bad habits to Bristol then.

MAYORAL ELECTION: will George make a tit of himself?

Given Mayor Sweary’s outbursts over the last few days, no one can deny he’s not in need of a spin doctor.

So step forward Matt “PAGE 3” Baker who’s been employed by Mayor Desperate on a part time basis as one of his campaign managers for the mayoral election next year.

Matt who? That’s Matt Baker, a New Labour PR twat that, until earlier this month, had been spinning like a broken top for weirdo Rochdale MP, SIMON DANCZUK.

Admittedly, Baker’s done a fine job promoting Danczuk on the national stage as a COMPLETE NUTTER obsessed with paedophilia although he’s had less luck with Danczuk’s amply proportioned selfie obsessed wife, KAREN.

Unfortunately, not only was Danczuk far better known for his wife’s tits in the tabloids than his crappy right wing politics and overheated populist anti-paedo campaigns but Baker’s time with Danczuk has ended with Karen running off with her personal trainer! Much to the tabloid’s joy it must be said.

Baker, in his final job for Danczuk then, had to put it about that the MP was suffering from “DEPRESSION”. Translated from Nu-Labour PR drivel-speak, this roughly approximates to “My boss is a sad old man with a limp dick”.

Clearly such exotic experiences will do much to liven up Bristol’s mayoral election. As will Baker’s taste for setting up fake internet accounts during elections. According to Rochdale Online, Baker operated no less than FOUR fake accounts during the 2010 general election. So look out for those dodgy Twitter accounts talking up George and be sure to say a big hello to Matt!

We also understand Baker likes sending letters to the local press accusing members of the Labour Party he dislikes of having sex with underage girls. A matter currently in the hands of Greater Manchester Police “at a senior level” would you believe?

Oh, and finally … It’s rumoured Baker wants to keep his move to Bristol quiet, so please don’t tell anyone!


Eyebrows are being raised among some of the city’s social workers at the selection by the local Labour Party of Eileen “Meanie” Means as a potential mayoral candidate. Meanie used to run North Somerset Council’s social services department where she was a notorious workplace bully.

A reader tells us, “We used to hide in the ladies when we knew she was coming. She was blatant. If your face did not fit she would quiz other staff to get the goods on you and then try and get you sacked.”

Then suddenly she was paid off and cleared out. There was, of course, a gagging clause to stop anyone discussing what might have happened and she got a pay-off – “some say £50,000,” claims our reader.

Meanie then took off for London where there’s further rumours of gardening leave and pay-offs. Our reader told the-powers-that-be in Labour Bristol all about this and they did nothing and so they’ve quit the party.

Vote Labour get arseholes!