Tag Archives: Jeremy Corbyn


Slo Kev, remaining tight-lipped as usual.

A heroic reader has suffered Guardian columnist, Owen “Luvvie” Jones’s latest book, ‘This Land: The Story of a Movement‘ so we don’t have to. The book is “a compelling, page-turning journey through a tumultuous decade in British politics” according to the, er, Guardian, and describes the rise and fall of the Corbyn movement in the Labour Party.

Our reader says the book is “overwhelmingly worthy and dull” but a small remark catches the eye.

 “Corbyn’s then head of media, Kevin Slocombe, did not respond to requests from the newspapers for comment, and the matter seemed to end there. But the Mear One controversy resurfaced over two years later.”

 A rare reference to the Reverend’s PA “Slo” Kev Slocombe who worked for Corbyn during his first year as Labour leader. And, surely, it’s no news to local journalists to find Slo Kev ignoring difficult questions about his boss from the media? On this occasion Slo Kev ignored the Jewish Chronicle from November 2015 when they asked ‘Did Jeremy Corbyn back artist whose mural was condemned as anti-semitic’

The mural, Freedom for Humanity, was painted near Brick Lane in London in 2012 by graffiti artist Kalen Ockerman, known as Mear One. Some claimed imagery in the painting was anti-semitic and Corbyn waded in, commenting on Facebook, “you are in good company. Rockerfeller destroyed Diego Viera’s mural because it includes a picture of Lenin.”

The comment sparked questions from the Jewish Chronicle, which Slo Kev strategically ignored. But the issue of anti-semitism never went away for Corbyn and ended up wrecking his leadership when the press started digging at loose ends after the general election in 2017.

A question arises: could Corbyn’s career have been saved if his media operator had nipped accusations of anti-semitism in the bud in 2015?

Rather than performing his usual trick of ignoring tricky allegations and hoping they go away?


masseycoup (2)

Has there been an anti-democratic RIGHT WING COUP in the Bristol North West Constituency Labour Party, home of ambitious Blairite “Dipshit” Darren Jones MP?

It sure as fuck looks that way as the Chair and Secretary of his branch have been mysteriously PURGED and “DISAPPEARED” by Jones and Labour South West Regional Office bureaucrats. This followed an overwhelming popular vote (58-19) at a meeting of the constituency Party last month in favour of a mildly supportive motion of former leader Jeremy Corbyn and questioning his suspension from the Labour Party.

Bemused Labour Party members in Bristol North West have received no explanation about what’s happened to their Chair and Secretary. Instead they’ve received a cursory note informing them that they CAN’T HOLD MEETINGS FOR TWO MONTHS and that Labour Councillor for Southmead Brenda “Beria” Massey, a hardcore Stalinist and Dipshit Daz groupie, has either been appointed by Regional Office orr else she has appointed herself “Acting Chair” of the constituency Party and then has unconstitutionally SUSPENDED THE ENTIRE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE until further notice.


Requests that the upright-standing pigs Dipshit, Beria or the Regional Office bureaucrats explain what’s happened to the elected Chair and Secretary and how Commissar Massey was able take over a constituency party and obtain the member information database have so far been REBUFFED.. 

Instead, members have been told by Beria Massey that she will be holding an AGM “as soon as party rules allow”. This is unlikely to be until LATE FEBRUARY. Although the Great Leader Sir Keir “Bell-End” Starmer’s Bristol NW chief of secret police does not seem to be able to quote the Party rules concerned when asked for them.

Dipshit, meanwhile, has infomed Party members that it’s “NOT FAIR” to ask his Acting Chair what the hell is going on and announced, “I have been asked to host an MP’s  [Zoom] Q&A in place of the [constitutional] December meeting of the CLP”. Who asked Sub-Commissar Dipshit to host this event is not clear. Did the move originate in Regional Office or in Bell-End Starmer’s Central Politburo itself?


Rumours are now filtering out as this goes to press that certain “known” Labour members were not even permitted access to Dipshit’s Zoom meeting. And of course, Jones answering a few PAT BALL questions from a selective audienceof former Tories from Westbury-on-Trym is no replacement for a Constituency Labour Party meeting, where he’d likely get a volley of PAINT BALL questions.

In Bristol NW these recently elevated upright-pigs insist that they remain “in charge” – in contravention of all discernible LP rules and procedures. 

What a fucking shit way to run a so-called democratic party



Bristol’s Labour MPs have reportedly been overjoyed at their Party’s defeat in December’s General Election.

“I have been euphoric,” said Bristol North West MP Darren ‘Dipshit’ Jones, “Corbyn and his fantasy of a fairer, more equal society is over. And I kept my job! It was my best Christmas for years,” added the Tony Blair fanboy.

Smiling from ear to ear, Bristol East MP Kerry McCarthy agreed … “It was a very Merry Christmas. Labour’s annihilation was wonderful. We have been desperate to get rid of Corbyn for years. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of ourselves, the media and the entire Establishment he was still hugely popular with the members and the general public. We couldn’t budge him and we were desperate.

“Then, last year, (Deputy Leader) Tom Watson explained to me that Aleister Campbell and Peter Mandelson had a brilliant plan. We were to force Corbyn to back a second EU referendum against his wishes. This would then guarantee that we lost millions of working class voters and would be obliterated at the next General Election. We could then blame it on Corbyn!

“It was a brilliant plan, pure genius … And it worked like clockwork! The prospect for democratic change is now well and truly over,” she laughed.

Elsewhere, in Kingswood, Tory MP Chris Skidmore celebrated another victory … “I see this as a complete mandate,” he said. “When I return to Parliament in the new year I am going to give it my all. I will once again devote every ounce of my energy to knocking seven shades of shit out of the poor, the sick and the disabled. As for those idle British workers, those c#*ts are gonna get it with both barrels.”

“I’m gonna kick the living f#cking crap out of them, I swear on my life.”



With the city’s housing crisis officially averted by a global fixed income and derivatives specialist and a religious nut who’s “no housing expert”, JEREMY CORBYN swung into town to grace us with his Jesus-like presence on October 11. The very day it was announced 100 per cent of kids in CLIFTON went to university while only 9 per cent of kids in HARTCLIFFE did.

So what burning issue of the day did the Jezza choose to raise regarding the AUSTERITY SHATTERED LIVES of long suffering Bristolians? Education inequality? SEND cuts? The failing NHS? The wage freeze since the turn of the Millenium? Rogue landlords? Brexit? The slow financial death of local authorities?

Er, no. Jeremy met a selected group of people from UJIMA RADIO and the CREATIVE YOUTH NETWORK to outline to them what books he thought he should be on the GCSE curriculum for English Lit.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a male MP in possession of the Labour Party leadership, must be in want of a brain”


Dipshit Daz: poorly manicured clown

“I should have voted for Charlotte Leslie. At least Charlotte only OPPOSES the Labour Party, Darren Jones actively UNDERMINES the party and its members. He’s a disgrace.”

So says one long-suffering member of Bristol North West Constituency Labour Party who is sick to death of their thicko right wing MP, Darren “Dipshit” Jones and his endless shenanigans aimed at UNDERMINING Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters in the Labour Party.

The FINAL STRAW came for this supporter at a constituency party meeting in March when Dipshit Daz attempted to strong-arm his constituency into allowing the right-leaning JEWISH LABOUR MOVEMENT (JLM) to affiliate to the local party.

At least one party member, an officer of Jones’ constituency party and a committed socialist, loudly OBJECTED to Jones’ proposal. Not only because they objected to the politics of the JLM but also because they knew that this national organisation affiliating to Dipshit’s local party would give them A VOTE in any forthcoming selection battle Dipshit might find himself involved in.

To get an idea of the politics of the Jewish Labour Movement, which openly claims to be “ZIONIST” and the voice of Jewish members of the Labour Party, they have not issued A SINGLE STATEMENT on their website nor a single tweet about the recent killing of 59 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers at the Gaza border. Nothing. Not a word.

Dipshit responded to his party officer’s REASONABLE COMPLAINTS by filming the socialist miscreant on his phone as he spoke and then PUBLICLY tweeting his new-found anti-Corbynite ally, Liverpool MP and big name JLM supporter, Luciana Berger. “Do you send speakers to CLPs? My CLP VC just called you “zionist” and that your affiliation requires debate. Can you come?” enquired the dipshitted one.

Luciana then kindly tweeted back to Dipshit, copying in her 73k-off followers, that she could indeed come. Thus unleashing a nationwide anti-semitic WITCH-HUNT against a key Corbynite member of Labour’s Bristol North West constituency Party.

Many North West members are said to be less than impressed with Dipshit’s conduct. Not only for publicly filming and revealing the content of a party meeting LIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA but also for his role in the public SMEARING of an officer of his local party.

How much longer can Dipshit Daz survive? Surely deselection beckons?


Local and national news outlets were quick to report a controversial Bristol West Constituency Labour Party meeting in April. Where Corbynites in the party attempted to CENSURE their MP Thangam Debbonaire for supporting the controversial  ‘#EnoughIsEnough’ anti-semitism rally in Westminster in March.

The meeting ended abruptly when Debonaire STAGED a walk out for the media, complaining that the meeting was “UNPRODUCTIVE” due to heckling. The media went along with this line. Happily characterising Corbyn supporters as an unruly rabble and Debonnaire’s gang as the height of professionalism.

However, a Corbyn-supporting PENSIONER who attended the meeting gives us a slightly different view of this meeting. “As I got up to leave,” they explain, “a young, well-dressed man supporting Thangam shoved into me hard, nearly pushing me over.

‘You need to watch where your going mate,’ he SNEERED at me before exiting the room.”

Nice to see Ms Debbonaire supported by such charming individuals …


MOMENTUM is the movement within the Labour Party that has, according to their own manifesto, set out to radicalise the party behind leader Jeremy Corbyn.

While this principle is to be lauded, to the average punter on the Bristol street the internal Labour Party struggles of Momentum against its well-entrenched old guard of (neo)liberals, careerists and self-serving jobsworths means very little. Why?

Sometimes I wonder how many of you have your ear to the street, because we’re in a MASSIVE SOCIAL CRISIS this winter. The homeless are strewn everywhere. No social housing, just rack-rent slum landlords. Wages going down in real terms. Benefits being trashed. Fewer and fewer social services. The NHS on the brink of total collapse. That means GRAPPLING WITH THIS EMERGENCY can’t be put off until ‘after the next election’, but needs to be addressed RIGHT NOW. Here in the socially-cleansed margins of working class Britain, we’re LITERALLY dying by the thousands.

And Bristol’s Labour Party elected representatives are STILL nearly all diehard Blairites. Happy to implement Tory austerity, yet craftily using Momentum activists to keep themselves in power and/or looking good in public. This happens any time one of these anti-Corbyn quislings needs re-election – or to give a recent Bristol example, when they need your street presence to give them the kudos they lack on say, a so-called ‘March Against Austerity’, WHERE THEY DON’T MENTION AUSTERITY OR THE CUTS ONCE!

What would JC do? He’d agree with us. Look back at his record since the 1970s. He always saw Labour Party internal politics as being SECONDARY to the struggles of the countless social movements he was active in. His principles never changed, but he always had the humility to listen to the people first. He didn’t wait until authority had been cleared through his control over the Labour Party – he just GOT STUCK INTO THE ISSUES. That’s why people voted for him and it’s why many more support and trust him today.

There seems to be some confusion in Momentum ranks as to what a social movement is. A social movement is not about ‘getting our guys into office’ in the Labour Party. It’s a MASS GRASS-ROOTS militant and democratic CAMPAIGN built around the key issue of the moment, and also one that isn’t a covert vehicle for any one political group or another. Think of the 1980s Anti-Poll Tax Campaign as a model. Right now, that key issue is STOPPING AUSTERITY DEAD IN ITS TRACKS – while we still can.

So Momentum needs to HELP BUILD that social movement and GET STARTED on it right away. Let the changes in the party structure and democracy be propelled forward by the social movement, not the other way around. Because quite simply, without such a movement, we haven’t a hope of effecting any real change – either within the Labour Party or without.



Hadleigh-RobertsBristol Labour Party’s vice chair HADLEIGH “MARGARET” ROBERTS has an interesting way of greeting new Labour Party members, who joined as part of the “Corbyn surge”, to his local Bristol West Constituency Party.

Margaret, a self-styled Labour “moderate” – or “RUTHLESSLY AMBITIOUS PUBLIC SCHOOLBOY” as they’re better known – has written a rather charming blog for his new members. Complaining that the newbies “were not the bright young things we were told to expect” before sniffily adding, “they are not in it for the hard slog.”

In other words, they’re all OLD AND LAZY and may not be too keen to run around promoting Margaret in the style to which he wishes to be accustomed. He then went on to claim, “most of these members were Greens and Socialists yesterday and will be tomorrow at the first opportunity.”

Good point. Why on earth would a socialist join and remain a member of Margaret’s pathetic version of the Labour Party? Do the fools not realise the Labour Party is a plaything for WEALTHY PRETTY BOYS in expensive suits? Socialists are the last thing you want around if you have a Westminster political career path in mind.

Perhaps Margaret, who was the parliamentary candidate for Thornbury earlier this year, will go far in the Labour party with this kind of attitude towards ordinary members, workers and – gasp! – socialists?

Although let’s hope none of these new members get wind of what he thinks of them. They might take offence and prevent the POSH PRAT being selected again.

That would be terrible wouldn’t it?